ZUM4910168: Feb. 02, 1954 - Buddhist Bell: An Indian photographer who took this picture and turned it over to The Associated press in Korea says he took it in Kaesong, North Korean and communist dominated town north of Panmunjon, and that it shows some of the 21 American turncoats who refused repatriation looking at a Buddhist temple bell set up at the north gate of Kaesong . The 21 Americans staged a press conference at Panmunjom last week in which they renounced their homeland and then were taken to Kaesong / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4909790: Jan. 31, 1954 - In a sign of understanding, journalists from West Berlin were allowed to visit the Soviet embassy and see and photograph its inner rooms and festive halls for the first time in the post-war period. Here is a picture of the enormous stain-glass window piece titled” Kremelt? rme” or the Kremel Towers / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4878863: Sep. 09, 1953 - Two French women beat International Gliding Record for two-seater Glider: Photo Shows Madame Mattern (left) of the Chauvenay Aero Club and Miss Louisette Auger of the Versailles Aero Club, seen before their Glider on which they beat the International Women's record for two seater glider (fixed target) by flying from Chauvenay to Poiters in six hours (285 kms) / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4878938: Sep. 09, 1953 - The Buichu Sector Transferred to the Vietnam Authorities in Indo China; Photo Shows Monsignor Phan Ngoc Chi the Bishop of Buichu seen with General Cogny when they were greeted by the villagers after the ceremony of transferring the De Buichi sector to the Vietnam Authorities during the long drawn out Indo China war. / Bridgeman Images