ETE4870726: Second World War (1939-1945) (WWII): Convalescence Centre for American Wounded Soldiers, Great Britain, December 1944: at the 828th US Army convalescence centre, wounded soldiers in France, some with platters and bequillae, arrive at the readaptation centre - Photography, Great Britain, December 1944 / Bridgeman Images
ETE4870606: Second World War (1939-1945) (WWII): Explosion of a German ammunition truck, Normandy: Captain Raymond M Walsh's P47 aircraft (?) belonging to the 9th US Air Force 402nd fighter group squadron attacks German supply convoy and detonates ammunition truck - Photography, France, July 1944 / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4869983: Aug. 08, 1953 - Hello, Marlene... If not just as famous as the Marlene of the song, 22 year old brunette of San Francisco, Marlene Dillman got into limelight after winning the” Self Made Dress” contest organized by Mc Call's magazine. 25,000 competitors took part in the contest and Marlene's dress made by herself was found the best. Besides achieving fame, Marlene is the lucky winner of a trip to Paris. She is pictured here in her room at the hotel” Prince de Wales” near the Champs -Elysée. / Bridgeman Images