ZUM4876169: Tue 03, 1953 - Queen Mary (Mary de Teck, 1867-1953): Procession to Westminster Hall/The Royal Dukes follow the cortege in the mall.: Photo shows The four Royal Dukes - Edinburgh; Windsor; Gloucester and Kent follow the Cortege along the mall - on way to Westminster Hall for the Ling-in-Stae of Queen Mary this afternoon. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4876178: Tue 03, 1953 - CRNs Mental Fountain in a for Square.. The Artist Looks on: Work is progressing at the Morris is Singer Foundry, Dorerest Road, on the ornamental foundation to be cast in bronze-and which is to stand in Sloane Square. It is the work of Mr. Gilbest Ledward R.A. it will be 11 feet high- and it is to be a gift from the Lord Leighton Fund. It was hoped to have the fountain in place before the Coronation-but as a bill will have to be passed in Parliament before it is allowed to be place in the Square-This will not be possible / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4877075: Sep. 09, 1953 - The first German 'Miss Wine' of this year: had been chosen at the 'wine-metropole' of Mainz. The 22 years old Erika Hofmann from St. Johann will now rule as 'Queen' over Rhein- Hessische region of Viticulture. After her coronation the black curly vine-dresser had been introduced by the bulter and her 'Post of honor' to handle the heavy 'Pokaen' (goblets) / Bridgeman Images
MME4778802: Rome, 1999. Italian politician Luigi Zanda, president and chief executive officer of the Roman Agency for the preparation of the Jubilee of the Year 2000/Roma, 1999. Il politico Luigi Zanda, presidente ed amministratore delegato dell'Agenzia romana per la preparazione del Giubileo del 2000 - / Bridgeman Images