The Flying Dutchman by Richard Wagner. In the left crew of Daland, right side crew of Flying Dutchman, Turku, Finland, 13 August 2005. / Bridgeman Images
The Flying Dutchman by Richard Wagner. In the left crew of Daland, right side crew of Flying Dutchman, Turku, Finland, 13 August 2005. / Bridgeman Images
The Flying Dutchman by Richard Wagner. In the left crew of Daland, right side crew of Flying Dutchman, Turku, Finland, 13 August 2005. / Bridgeman Images
The Flying Dutchman by Richard Wagner. In the left crew of Daland, right side crew of Flying Dutchman, Turku, Finland, 13 August 2005. / Bridgeman Images
The Flying Dutchman by Richard Wagner. In the left crew of Daland, right side crew of Flying Dutchman, Turku, Finland, 13 August 2005. / Bridgeman Images