July 1959. Polish-Russian relations. KPZR I secretary Nikita Chruszczow at the 15th anniversary of the People's Republic of Poland in Slask. Photographed: In Katowice. / Bridgeman Images
July 1964. Polish-Russian relations. KPZR I secretary Nikita Chruszczow accompanied by his delegation fly to Poland to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the People's Republic of Poland. Photographed: Wladyslaw Gomulka and Nikita Chruszczow. / Bridgeman Images
Warsaw, 05.1959. Eric Koch on the accused bench. He was sentenced to death on 9 May 1959 but the verdict was never carried out. He died in prison in Barczew at 90 years old. He was secretly buried at a cemetery in Barczew. / Bridgeman Images
Turoszow, 10,1966. Turow mining and power plant, Turoszow brown coal open-pit mining. Steelworkers washing their gum boots after work in the open-pit mine and before entering the office. / Bridgeman Images
April 1965. The Soviet delegation bids farewell to its hosts at Gdansk train station. The delegation was in Poland for the signing of the Warsaw Pact Treaty of Friendship and Co-operation and Mutual Assistance between USSR and the People's Republic of Poland. / Bridgeman Images
Wadowice, town in Souther Poland, 50km from Cracow, the birthplace of pope John Paul II. Virgin Mary's Offertory minor basilica at the market square. at right: faimly house of the pope Lesser Poland Province, 2003 / Bridgeman Images
Chodziez, Poland, 04.1971. Chodziez Porcelain Factory. 40 years job experienced painter and potter Kazimierz Skibinski decorating plates with Lenin's portrait at his work stand. / Bridgeman Images
Lipsk on Biebrza river, Poland, 01.1977. Music lesson in primary school which was furnished and equipped by state authorities. / Bridgeman Images
Gdansk, crest on a baroque house founded by the city dwellers in a tribute to the kind John III Sobieski city on the Baltic coast, northern Poland, Pomerania province. Polands fourth largest metropolitan area. 2003 / Bridgeman Images
Bialorus, 1934. Fashion and fabrics practical lesson for older female pupils. the boys took a locksmith workshop instead. Photograph taken by Bronislaw Buniakowski. / Bridgeman Images
1974. I Secretary of KPZR, (Communist Party of the Soviet Union) Leonid Brzeniew's visit to Poland. Edward Gierek is standing next to him. / Bridgeman Images
Poland, 14.12.1976. Edward Gierek - opening of Huta Katowice with the participation of USSR Prime Minister, A. Kosygin and the Prime Minister of Poland, P. Jaroszewicz. / Bridgeman Images
Warsaw 02.06.1979. Pope John Paul II's first Pilgrimage to Poland. The Pope and Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski at the grave of the unknown soldier on Victory Square (presently Pilsudskiego Square). / Bridgeman Images