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GNG5280057: Feast of the Cross in St James' Armenian cathedral, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280057
Feast of the Cross in St James' Armenian cathedral, Jerusalem, Jerusalem, Israel
GNG5280068: Orthodox icon in Saint Gerassimos monastery church: Jesus breast-fed by his mother, , Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280068
Orthodox icon in Saint Gerassimos monastery church: Jesus breast-fed by his mother, , Israel
GNG5280070: Newborn baby at Nazareth French hospital, Nazareth, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280070
Newborn baby at Nazareth French hospital, Nazareth, Israel
GNG5280073: Brazilian pilgrims at the Jordan river, Yardenit, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280073
Brazilian pilgrims at the Jordan river, Yardenit, Israel
GNG5280081: Carmelite cross on rooftop, Nazareth, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280081
Carmelite cross on rooftop, Nazareth, Israel
GNG5280089: Torah scrolls Neot Kedumim Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280089
Torah scrolls Neot Kedumim Israel
GNG5280207: Tachlih prayer at the end of Roch Hachana jewish new year, Netanya, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280207
Tachlih prayer at the end of Roch Hachana jewish new year, Netanya, Israel
GNG5280208: Jewish library, Jerusalem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280208
Jewish library, Jerusalem, Israel
GNG5280222: King David's tomb, Jerusalem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280222
King David's tomb, Jerusalem, Israel
GNG5280230: Mosaic depicting Issac's sacrifice, Jerusalem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280230
Mosaic depicting Issac's sacrifice, Jerusalem, Israel
GNG5280236: Mosaic depicting Moses, Jerusalem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280236
Mosaic depicting Moses, Jerusalem, Israel
GNG5280256: Kosher food, Jerusalem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280256
Kosher food, Jerusalem, Israel
GNG5280279: Orthodox Jews in Bnei Brak, Bnei Brak, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280279
Orthodox Jews in Bnei Brak, Bnei Brak, Israel
GNG5280287: Hanoukias, , Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280287
Hanoukias, , Israel
GNG5280291: Orthodox Jew at David's Tomb, Jerusalem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280291
Orthodox Jew at David's Tomb, Jerusalem, Israel
GNG5280298: Donation in Elijah's cave synagogue in Haifa, Haifa, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280298
Donation in Elijah's cave synagogue in Haifa, Haifa, Israel
GNG5280820: Pilgrim reading the Bible, Capharnauem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280820
Pilgrim reading the Bible, Capharnauem, Israel
GNG5280823: The Stone of Anointing. Holy Sepulchre Church, Jerusalem, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280823
The Stone of Anointing. Holy Sepulchre Church, Jerusalem, Israel
GNG5280825: Virgin Mary. Ireland. Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280825
Virgin Mary. Ireland. Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth, Israel
GNG5280826: Virgin and child. Korea. Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280826
Virgin and child. Korea. Basilica of the Annunciation, Nazareth, Israel
GNG5280828: Antiphonal. The Circumcision of Jesus. Domus Galilaeae or House of Galilee is run by the Catholic organisation Neocatechumenal Way. Antiphonary, Mount of Beatitudes, Israel / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280828
Antiphonal. The Circumcision of Jesus. Domus Galilaeae or House of Galilee is run by the Catholic organisation Neocatechumenal Way. Antiphonary, Mount of Beatitudes, Israel
GNG5280863: Pilgrim with Vishnu mark on his forehead at Ganga Sagar Mela, Ganga Sagar, Inde / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280863
Pilgrim with Vishnu mark on his forehead at Ganga Sagar Mela, Ganga Sagar, Inde
GNG5280864: Boy helping weaver under handloom in Kanchipuram Kanchipuram Inde / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280864
Boy helping weaver under handloom in Kanchipuram Kanchipuram Inde
GNG5280873: Statue of Jesus Christ sitting in lotus position in a catholic ashram in South India Inde / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280873
Statue of Jesus Christ sitting in lotus position in a catholic ashram in South India Inde
GNG5280882: Woman applying a red mark on a married woman's forehead Gamarkunda Inde / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280882
Woman applying a red mark on a married woman's forehead Gamarkunda Inde
GNG5280890: Hindu pilgrim praying at Ganga Sagar Mela yearly pilgrimage at the mouth of the Ganges Ganga Sagar Inde / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280890
Hindu pilgrim praying at Ganga Sagar Mela yearly pilgrimage at the mouth of the Ganges Ganga Sagar Inde
GNG5280913: Humayun's tomb Delhi Inde / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280913
Humayun's tomb Delhi Inde
GNG5280918: Sweet shop kitchen, Haridwar, India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5280918
Sweet shop kitchen, Haridwar, India
GNG5281025: Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : Durga statue Rishikesh India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5281025
Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : Durga statue Rishikesh India
GNG5281039: Sculpture in Lakshman temple, Rishikesh : Ganga vatarana (Shiva receiving the Ganges from the heaven) Rishikesh India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5281039
Sculpture in Lakshman temple, Rishikesh : Ganga vatarana (Shiva receiving the Ganges from the heaven) Rishikesh India
GNG5281056: Picture of Hindu gods Rada & Krishna India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5281056
Picture of Hindu gods Rada & Krishna India
GNG5281063: Goddess Sherawali (Durga) riding a tiger Rishikesh India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5281063
Goddess Sherawali (Durga) riding a tiger Rishikesh India
GNG5281091: Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : Krishna statue Rishikesh India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5281091
Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : Krishna statue Rishikesh India
GNG5281102: Hindu statues for sale in Rishikesh Rishikesh India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5281102
Hindu statues for sale in Rishikesh Rishikesh India
GNG5281103: Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : goddess statue Rishikesh India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5281103
Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : goddess statue Rishikesh India
GNG5281129: Datatreya statue Haridwar India / Bridgeman Images
ID: GNG5281129
Datatreya statue Haridwar India