SYC4702109: Libyan glass. Libyan desert. National Museum of Natural History, Paris. This strange glass, originally from 'The Great Sea of Sable' in Libya and Egypt, was probably formed by the explosion of an alien car whose shock wave vitrifies the sand of the desert. This event would have taken place 28 million years ago. This sample of 26 kg is the best known. / Bridgeman Images
SYC4702262: Arms of the Count of Toulouse, the ecu de fleurs de Lys de France with the bar of batardise, on the golden bronze handcuffs of the entrance door of the Galerie doree, 1715. Banque de France. Hotel de Toulouse, former hotel de la Villiere, Paris - Hotel de Toulouse, headquarters of the Banque de France - / Bridgeman Images
SYC4702606: The trophee of Diane Chasseresse, a group sculpted from the door of the Galerie doree, by Francois Antoine Vasse (1681-1736), circa 1715. Banque de France. Hotel de Toulouse, former hotel de la Villiere, Paris - Hotel de Toulouse, headquarters of the Banque de France - / Bridgeman Images
SYC4702500: Galerie Doree transformed into National Printing at the Revolution: remains of paper with blue background cut of tricolor strips, with revolutionary symbols and Phrygian cap. Banque de France, Hotel de Toulouse, former hotel de la Vrilliere, Paris - Hotel de Toulouse, headquarters of the Banque de France - / Bridgeman Images
SYC4702516: The trophee of Diane Chasseresse, a group sculpted from the door of the Galerie doree reflecting in a mirror, by Francois Antoine Vasse (1681-1736), circa 1715. Banque de France. Hotel de Toulouse, former hotel de la Villiere, Paris - Hotel de Toulouse, headquarters of the Banque de France - / Bridgeman Images
MME4719051: Rome, Montecitorio, 1961 Secretary of the Italian Communist Party Palmiro Togliatti giving a speach in the Chamber of Deputies/Roma, Montecitorio, 1961 Il segretario del partito comunista italiano (PCI) Palmiro Togliatti mentre tiene un discorsoi alla Camera dei Deputati - Marcello Mencarini Historical Archives / Bridgeman Images