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Villa, 3 bis rue Cassini in Paris 75014. Architects Louis Sue (1875-1968) and Paul Huillard (1875-1966), 1903-1906. Built for the painter Lucien Simon.
Villa, 3 bis rue Cassini in Paris 75014. Architects Louis Sue (1875-1968) and Paul Huillard (1875-1966), 1903-1906. Built for the painter Lucien Simon.

TEC4658217: Villa, 3 bis rue Cassini in Paris 75014. Architects Louis Sue (1875-1968) and Paul Huillard (1875-1966), 1903-1906. Built for the painter Lucien Simon. / Bridgeman Images

Egypt Night View - Egypt at Night - Egypt at Night View from the International Space Station (ISS) on October 28, 2010. From 220 miles above Earth, one of the Expedition 25 crew members on the International Space Station took this night time photo featuring the bright lights of Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt on the Mediterranean coast. The Nile River and its delta stand out clearly as well. On the horizon, the airglow of the atmosphere is seen across the Mediterranean. The Sinai Peninsula, at right, is outlined with lights highlighting the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba
Egypt Night View - Egypt at Night - Egypt at Night View from the International Space Station (ISS) on October 28, 2010. From 220 miles above Earth, one of the Expedition 25 crew members on the International Space Station took this night time photo featuring the bright lights of Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt on the Mediterranean coast. The Nile River and its delta stand out clearly as well. On the horizon, the airglow of the atmosphere is seen across the Mediterranean. The Sinai Peninsula, at right, is outlined with lights highlighting the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba

PIX4658777: Egypt Night View - Egypt at Night - Egypt at Night View from the International Space Station (ISS) on October 28, 2010. From 220 miles above Earth, one of the Expedition 25 crew members on the International Space Station took this night time photo featuring the bright lights of Cairo and Alexandria, Egypt on the Mediterranean coast. The Nile River and its delta stand out clearly as well. On the horizon, the airglow of the atmosphere is seen across the Mediterranean. The Sinai Peninsula, at right, is outlined with lights highlighting the Gulf of Suez and Gulf of Aqaba / Bridgeman Images

Space view over the Pyramid of Giza (photo)
Space view over the Pyramid of Giza (photo)

PIX4658795: Space view over the Pyramid of Giza (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Egypt - Abu Simbel - Egypt - Abu Simbel - The temple of Ramses II seen during the sound and light show in Abu Simbel. The great temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel seen during the sound and light show
Egypt - Abu Simbel - Egypt - Abu Simbel - The temple of Ramses II seen during the sound and light show in Abu Simbel. The great temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel seen during the sound and light show

PIX4658832: Egypt - Abu Simbel - Egypt - Abu Simbel - The temple of Ramses II seen during the sound and light show in Abu Simbel. The great temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel seen during the sound and light show / Bridgeman Images

Egypt - Abu Simbel - Egypt - Abu Simbel - The Temple of Ramses II in Abu Simbel. The great temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel
Egypt - Abu Simbel - Egypt - Abu Simbel - The Temple of Ramses II in Abu Simbel. The great temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel

PIX4658859: Egypt - Abu Simbel - Egypt - Abu Simbel - The Temple of Ramses II in Abu Simbel. The great temple of Ramesses II at Abu Simbel / Bridgeman Images

The Nile seen by ENVISAT satellite on May 6, 2007
The Nile seen by ENVISAT satellite on May 6, 2007

PIX4658683: The Nile seen by ENVISAT satellite on May 6, 2007 / Bridgeman Images

Egypt seen from the International Space Station - Egypt seen from space - Egypt seen from the International Space Station in April 2003. Egypt seen from the international space station (ISS) in april 2003
Egypt seen from the International Space Station - Egypt seen from space - Egypt seen from the International Space Station in April 2003. Egypt seen from the international space station (ISS) in april 2003

PIX4658709: Egypt seen from the International Space Station - Egypt seen from space - Egypt seen from the International Space Station in April 2003. Egypt seen from the international space station (ISS) in april 2003 / Bridgeman Images

Nile Delta seen from Space - Nile delta from space - Nile delta seen by the crew of the International Space Station in May 2002. The Nile delta photographed by the International space station crewmembers in may 2002
Nile Delta seen from Space - Nile delta from space - Nile delta seen by the crew of the International Space Station in May 2002. The Nile delta photographed by the International space station crewmembers in may 2002

PIX4658721: Nile Delta seen from Space - Nile delta from space - Nile delta seen by the crew of the International Space Station in May 2002. The Nile delta photographed by the International space station crewmembers in may 2002 / Bridgeman Images

Egypt, Lake Nasser - Egypt, Lake Nasser - Lake Nasser seen from Space Shuttle Atlantis in September 2000. Lake Nasser seen from space shuttle Atlantis in september 2000
Egypt, Lake Nasser - Egypt, Lake Nasser - Lake Nasser seen from Space Shuttle Atlantis in September 2000. Lake Nasser seen from space shuttle Atlantis in september 2000

PIX4658725: Egypt, Lake Nasser - Egypt, Lake Nasser - Lake Nasser seen from Space Shuttle Atlantis in September 2000. Lake Nasser seen from space shuttle Atlantis in september 2000 / Bridgeman Images

Antarctica as seen by satellite: Mosaic of images obtained on 27 January 2009 by the MODIS instrument (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) embarks on the Aqua satellite. Mosaic image acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite on January 27, 2009.
Antarctica as seen by satellite: Mosaic of images obtained on 27 January 2009 by the MODIS instrument (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) embarks on the Aqua satellite. Mosaic image acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite on January 27, 2009.

PIX4659525: Antarctica as seen by satellite: Mosaic of images obtained on 27 January 2009 by the MODIS instrument (Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer) embarks on the Aqua satellite. Mosaic image acquired by the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) on NASA's Aqua satellite on January 27, 2009. / Bridgeman Images

Richat Structure - Mauritania - Richat structure seen from space - Richat structure, geological formation of volcanic origin, in Mauritania, observed from the International Space Station (ISS) in February 2009. The so-called Richat Structure is a geological formation in the Maur Adrar Desert in the African country of Mauritania. Although it resemble an impact crater, the Richat Structure formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion - like layers of rock. Image taken from the International space station (ISS) in February 2009
Richat Structure - Mauritania - Richat structure seen from space - Richat structure, geological formation of volcanic origin, in Mauritania, observed from the International Space Station (ISS) in February 2009. The so-called Richat Structure is a geological formation in the Maur Adrar Desert in the African country of Mauritania. Although it resemble an impact crater, the Richat Structure formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion - like layers of rock. Image taken from the International space station (ISS) in February 2009

PIX4659106: Richat Structure - Mauritania - Richat structure seen from space - Richat structure, geological formation of volcanic origin, in Mauritania, observed from the International Space Station (ISS) in February 2009. The so-called Richat Structure is a geological formation in the Maur Adrar Desert in the African country of Mauritania. Although it resemble an impact crater, the Richat Structure formed when a volcanic dome hardened and gradually eroded, exposing the onion - like layers of rock. Image taken from the International space station (ISS) in February 2009 / Bridgeman Images

Namibia - Tropic of Capricorn
Namibia - Tropic of Capricorn

PIX4659170: Namibia - Tropic of Capricorn / Bridgeman Images

Island of Reunion seen from Space Shuttle Discovery on 25 December 1999. - Island of Reunion seen from Space Shuttle Discovery on 25 December 1999
Island of Reunion seen from Space Shuttle Discovery on 25 December 1999. - Island of Reunion seen from Space Shuttle Discovery on 25 December 1999

PIX4659211: Island of Reunion seen from Space Shuttle Discovery on 25 December 1999. - Island of Reunion seen from Space Shuttle Discovery on 25 December 1999 / Bridgeman Images

Le Piton de la Fournaise, Ile de la Reunion - Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion island - Le Piton de la Fournaise seen by satellite EO - 1 on 16 January 2009. This shield volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Considered one of the world's most active volcanoes, Piton de la Fournaise occupies the east - southeastern end of Reunion Island in the western Indian Ocean. It is a shield volcano with a low, broad shape that resemble an ancient warrior shield. The volcano sports an 8 - kilometer - (5 - mile -) wide crater that slopes eastward to the coast. Within that crater sits a lava shield, Dolomieu, and most of Piton de la Fournaise's historic eruptions have occurred from the summit or flanks of Dolomieu. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on Nasa's Earth Observing - 1 satellite captured this image of Piton de la Fournaise on January 16, 2009. Dolomieu is the circular feature at the center of the large crater. Lava flows from earlier eruptions have left their marks around Dolomieu, in the form of dark rivulets of rock that head mostly eastward towards the shore. On the west side of Dolomieu, few dark rivers of rock appear, as most lava flows have curved towards the north or south. Little vegetation thrives near Dolomieu, but farther away from the lava shield, vegetation appears bright green
Le Piton de la Fournaise, Ile de la Reunion - Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion island - Le Piton de la Fournaise seen by satellite EO - 1 on 16 January 2009. This shield volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Considered one of the world's most active volcanoes, Piton de la Fournaise occupies the east - southeastern end of Reunion Island in the western Indian Ocean. It is a shield volcano with a low, broad shape that resemble an ancient warrior shield. The volcano sports an 8 - kilometer - (5 - mile -) wide crater that slopes eastward to the coast. Within that crater sits a lava shield, Dolomieu, and most of Piton de la Fournaise's historic eruptions have occurred from the summit or flanks of Dolomieu. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on Nasa's Earth Observing - 1 satellite captured this image of Piton de la Fournaise on January 16, 2009. Dolomieu is the circular feature at the center of the large crater. Lava flows from earlier eruptions have left their marks around Dolomieu, in the form of dark rivulets of rock that head mostly eastward towards the shore. On the west side of Dolomieu, few dark rivers of rock appear, as most lava flows have curved towards the north or south. Little vegetation thrives near Dolomieu, but farther away from the lava shield, vegetation appears bright green

PIX4659236: Le Piton de la Fournaise, Ile de la Reunion - Piton de la Fournaise, Reunion island - Le Piton de la Fournaise seen by satellite EO - 1 on 16 January 2009. This shield volcano is one of the most active volcanoes in the world. Considered one of the world's most active volcanoes, Piton de la Fournaise occupies the east - southeastern end of Reunion Island in the western Indian Ocean. It is a shield volcano with a low, broad shape that resemble an ancient warrior shield. The volcano sports an 8 - kilometer - (5 - mile -) wide crater that slopes eastward to the coast. Within that crater sits a lava shield, Dolomieu, and most of Piton de la Fournaise's historic eruptions have occurred from the summit or flanks of Dolomieu. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on Nasa's Earth Observing - 1 satellite captured this image of Piton de la Fournaise on January 16, 2009. Dolomieu is the circular feature at the center of the large crater. Lava flows from earlier eruptions have left their marks around Dolomieu, in the form of dark rivulets of rock that head mostly eastward towards the shore. On the west side of Dolomieu, few dark rivers of rock appear, as most lava flows have curved towards the north or south. Little vegetation thrives near Dolomieu, but farther away from the lava shield, vegetation appears bright green / Bridgeman Images

Irrigation on the Orange River - Irrigation along the Orange River. Orange marks the border between South Africa and Namibia. Image obtained by satellite EO-1 on 15 February 2010. The Orange River serves as part of the border between Namibia and the Republic of South Africa. Along the banks of this river, roughly 100 kilometers (60 miles) inland from where the river empties into the Atlantic Ocean, irrigation projects take advantage of water from the river and soils from the floodplains to grow produce, turning parts of a normally earth - toned landscape emerald green. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on Nasa's Earth Observing - 1 (EO - 1) satellite captured this true - color image on February 15, 2010. A network of bright rectangles of varying shades of green contrasts with surroundings of gray, beige, tan, and rust
Irrigation on the Orange River - Irrigation along the Orange River. Orange marks the border between South Africa and Namibia. Image obtained by satellite EO-1 on 15 February 2010. The Orange River serves as part of the border between Namibia and the Republic of South Africa. Along the banks of this river, roughly 100 kilometers (60 miles) inland from where the river empties into the Atlantic Ocean, irrigation projects take advantage of water from the river and soils from the floodplains to grow produce, turning parts of a normally earth - toned landscape emerald green. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on Nasa's Earth Observing - 1 (EO - 1) satellite captured this true - color image on February 15, 2010. A network of bright rectangles of varying shades of green contrasts with surroundings of gray, beige, tan, and rust

PIX4659268: Irrigation on the Orange River - Irrigation along the Orange River. Orange marks the border between South Africa and Namibia. Image obtained by satellite EO-1 on 15 February 2010. The Orange River serves as part of the border between Namibia and the Republic of South Africa. Along the banks of this river, roughly 100 kilometers (60 miles) inland from where the river empties into the Atlantic Ocean, irrigation projects take advantage of water from the river and soils from the floodplains to grow produce, turning parts of a normally earth - toned landscape emerald green. The Advanced Land Imager (ALI) on Nasa's Earth Observing - 1 (EO - 1) satellite captured this true - color image on February 15, 2010. A network of bright rectangles of varying shades of green contrasts with surroundings of gray, beige, tan, and rust / Bridgeman Images

Sishen Mine - South Africa - Sishen Mine - Republic South Africa - The Sishen Iron Mine in South Africa seen from the International Space Station (ISS) on March 23, 2016. Sishen mine, seen from the international space station on March 23 2016. The Sishen mine is a large iron mine located in central South Africa in Kathu, Northern Cape. Sishen represents one of the largest iron ore reserves in South Africa and in the world
Sishen Mine - South Africa - Sishen Mine - Republic South Africa - The Sishen Iron Mine in South Africa seen from the International Space Station (ISS) on March 23, 2016. Sishen mine, seen from the international space station on March 23 2016. The Sishen mine is a large iron mine located in central South Africa in Kathu, Northern Cape. Sishen represents one of the largest iron ore reserves in South Africa and in the world

PIX4659279: Sishen Mine - South Africa - Sishen Mine - Republic South Africa - The Sishen Iron Mine in South Africa seen from the International Space Station (ISS) on March 23, 2016. Sishen mine, seen from the international space station on March 23 2016. The Sishen mine is a large iron mine located in central South Africa in Kathu, Northern Cape. Sishen represents one of the largest iron ore reserves in South Africa and in the world / Bridgeman Images

The Kilimanjaro seen by Landsat 7 02/2000 - The Kilimanjaro, to the right of the image, partly surrounds Kenya and Tanzania, Africa. The plains of Amboseli National Park to the north and Arusha National Park to the south and west are visible.
The Kilimanjaro seen by Landsat 7 02/2000 - The Kilimanjaro, to the right of the image, partly surrounds Kenya and Tanzania, Africa. The plains of Amboseli National Park to the north and Arusha National Park to the south and west are visible.

PIX4659389: The Kilimanjaro seen by Landsat 7 02/2000 - The Kilimanjaro, to the right of the image, partly surrounds Kenya and Tanzania, Africa. The plains of Amboseli National Park to the north and Arusha National Park to the south and west are visible. / Bridgeman Images

Aorounga crateres - Chad - seen by radar 03/96 - Aorounga crateres, possible impact crateres, observed by radar on 20/03/1996
Aorounga crateres - Chad - seen by radar 03/96 - Aorounga crateres, possible impact crateres, observed by radar on 20/03/1996

PIX4659391: Aorounga crateres - Chad - seen by radar 03/96 - Aorounga crateres, possible impact crateres, observed by radar on 20/03/1996 / Bridgeman Images

Lake Chad seen by shuttle 12/93 - Lake Chad seen by shuttle STS - 61 on 03/12/1993
Lake Chad seen by shuttle 12/93 - Lake Chad seen by shuttle STS - 61 on 03/12/1993

PIX4659395: Lake Chad seen by shuttle 12/93 - Lake Chad seen by shuttle STS - 61 on 03/12/1993 / Bridgeman Images

Lake Nasser - Egypt - seen by shuttle 12/99 - Lake Nasser seen by shuttle STS - 103 on 26/12/1999
Lake Nasser - Egypt - seen by shuttle 12/99 - Lake Nasser seen by shuttle STS - 103 on 26/12/1999

PIX4658575: Lake Nasser - Egypt - seen by shuttle 12/99 - Lake Nasser seen by shuttle STS - 103 on 26/12/1999 / Bridgeman Images

The Nile Delta seen by the shuttle on 06/10/1984. - The Nile Delta seen by the shuttle on 06/10/1984
The Nile Delta seen by the shuttle on 06/10/1984. - The Nile Delta seen by the shuttle on 06/10/1984

PIX4658585: The Nile Delta seen by the shuttle on 06/10/1984. - The Nile Delta seen by the shuttle on 06/10/1984 / Bridgeman Images

Sinai peninsule seen by shuttle 11/96 - Sinai peninsule seen by shuttle STS - 80 on 28/11/1996
Sinai peninsule seen by shuttle 11/96 - Sinai peninsule seen by shuttle STS - 80 on 28/11/1996

PIX4658615: Sinai peninsule seen by shuttle 11/96 - Sinai peninsule seen by shuttle STS - 80 on 28/11/1996 / Bridgeman Images

Satellite Spot - 4 - Artist's view of the Earth observation satellite Spot - 4. Spot - 4 is a english earth observation satellite launched on march 23 199
Satellite Spot - 4 - Artist's view of the Earth observation satellite Spot - 4. Spot - 4 is a english earth observation satellite launched on march 23 199

PIX4643921: Satellite Spot - 4 - Artist's view of the Earth observation satellite Spot - 4. Spot - 4 is a english earth observation satellite launched on march 23 199 / Bridgeman Images

Satellite Spot - 5 - Satellite Spot - 5, artwork - Vue d'artiste du satellite d'observation de la terre Spot - 5, launched on May 3, 2002. Spot - 5 is an earth observation satellite launched on May 3 2002
Satellite Spot - 5 - Satellite Spot - 5, artwork - Vue d'artiste du satellite d'observation de la terre Spot - 5, launched on May 3, 2002. Spot - 5 is an earth observation satellite launched on May 3 2002

PIX4643958: Satellite Spot - 5 - Satellite Spot - 5, artwork - Vue d'artiste du satellite d'observation de la terre Spot - 5, launched on May 3, 2002. Spot - 5 is an earth observation satellite launched on May 3 2002 / Bridgeman Images

Spot satellites - Artist's view of Earth observation satellites Spot. Artwork showing the earth observation satellite SPOT family
Spot satellites - Artist's view of Earth observation satellites Spot. Artwork showing the earth observation satellite SPOT family

PIX4643995: Spot satellites - Artist's view of Earth observation satellites Spot. Artwork showing the earth observation satellite SPOT family / Bridgeman Images

Satellite Parasol - Artist's view of the microsatellite Parasol in orbit around the Earth. This satellite launched in December 2004 studies the Earth's atmosphere. Parasol is a english earth observation microsatellite launched in december 2004 to study the Earth atmosphere
Satellite Parasol - Artist's view of the microsatellite Parasol in orbit around the Earth. This satellite launched in December 2004 studies the Earth's atmosphere. Parasol is a english earth observation microsatellite launched in december 2004 to study the Earth atmosphere

PIX4644031: Satellite Parasol - Artist's view of the microsatellite Parasol in orbit around the Earth. This satellite launched in December 2004 studies the Earth's atmosphere. Parasol is a english earth observation microsatellite launched in december 2004 to study the Earth atmosphere / Bridgeman Images

Satellite Demeter - Artist's view of the Earth observation satellite Demeter (Detection of Electro Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions), orbiting the Earth. This microsatellite launched in June 2004 studies electromagnetic signals that appear to be linked to earthquakes. Demeter (Detection of Electro Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) is a english earth observation microsatellite launched in 2004 for developing earthquake prediction in measuring ionospheric disturbances which could be associated with sismic activity
Satellite Demeter - Artist's view of the Earth observation satellite Demeter (Detection of Electro Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions), orbiting the Earth. This microsatellite launched in June 2004 studies electromagnetic signals that appear to be linked to earthquakes. Demeter (Detection of Electro Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) is a english earth observation microsatellite launched in 2004 for developing earthquake prediction in measuring ionospheric disturbances which could be associated with sismic activity

PIX4644041: Satellite Demeter - Artist's view of the Earth observation satellite Demeter (Detection of Electro Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions), orbiting the Earth. This microsatellite launched in June 2004 studies electromagnetic signals that appear to be linked to earthquakes. Demeter (Detection of Electro Magnetic Emissions Transmitted from Earthquake Regions) is a english earth observation microsatellite launched in 2004 for developing earthquake prediction in measuring ionospheric disturbances which could be associated with sismic activity / Bridgeman Images

Satellite CRYOSAT - 2 - Artist view - Satellite CRYOSAT - 2 - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite Cryosat - 2 in orbit around the Earth. Designed to study polar ice, this satellite will be launched in 2010. Artist view of the European satellite CryoSat - 2 put into Earth orbit by the Rocket Rocket. This satellite, designed to provide more accurate data of the polar ice sheets and sea ice thickness, will be launched in 2010
Satellite CRYOSAT - 2 - Artist view - Satellite CRYOSAT - 2 - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite Cryosat - 2 in orbit around the Earth. Designed to study polar ice, this satellite will be launched in 2010. Artist view of the European satellite CryoSat - 2 put into Earth orbit by the Rocket Rocket. This satellite, designed to provide more accurate data of the polar ice sheets and sea ice thickness, will be launched in 2010

PIX4644068: Satellite CRYOSAT - 2 - Artist view - Satellite CRYOSAT - 2 - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite Cryosat - 2 in orbit around the Earth. Designed to study polar ice, this satellite will be launched in 2010. Artist view of the European satellite CryoSat - 2 put into Earth orbit by the Rocket Rocket. This satellite, designed to provide more accurate data of the polar ice sheets and sea ice thickness, will be launched in 2010 / Bridgeman Images

Launch of the Helios 2A satellite - Satellite Helios 2A launch - Artist's view of the launch of the military satellite Helios 2A and the parasol and swarm microsatellites by an Ariane 5 G+rocket in December 2004. Artwork of the launch of the military satellite Helios 2A with the microsatellites Essaim and Parasol by an ariane 5 rocket in december 2004
Launch of the Helios 2A satellite - Satellite Helios 2A launch - Artist's view of the launch of the military satellite Helios 2A and the parasol and swarm microsatellites by an Ariane 5 G+rocket in December 2004. Artwork of the launch of the military satellite Helios 2A with the microsatellites Essaim and Parasol by an ariane 5 rocket in december 2004

PIX4644070: Launch of the Helios 2A satellite - Satellite Helios 2A launch - Artist's view of the launch of the military satellite Helios 2A and the parasol and swarm microsatellites by an Ariane 5 G+rocket in December 2004. Artwork of the launch of the military satellite Helios 2A with the microsatellites Essaim and Parasol by an ariane 5 rocket in december 2004 / Bridgeman Images

Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009
Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009

PIX4644095: Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009 / Bridgeman Images

Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009
Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009

PIX4644100: Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009 / Bridgeman Images

Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009
Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009

PIX4644106: Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. - GOCE satellite - Artist view - Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in orbit around the Earth. GoCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) is expected to be launched in 2009. Artist view of the European satellite GOCE in Earth orbit. GOCE (Gravity - Field and Steady - State Ocean Circulation Explorer) aims to measure the Earth's gravitational field and is scheduled in 2009 / Bridgeman Images

Aerial view of city with the castle on Neckar river, 1990 - Photography
Aerial view of city with the castle on Neckar river, 1990 - Photography

LRI4653871: Aerial view of city with the castle on Neckar river, 1990 - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Aerial view of the city with Daimler-Benz factories, 1990 - Photography
Aerial view of the city with Daimler-Benz factories, 1990 - Photography

LRI4653874: Aerial view of the city with Daimler-Benz factories, 1990 - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Aerial view of the city and the canal, 1990 - Photography
Aerial view of the city and the canal, 1990 - Photography

LRI4653880: Aerial view of the city and the canal, 1990 - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Aerial view of Mannheim city center, 1990 - Photography
Aerial view of Mannheim city center, 1990 - Photography

LRI4653927: Aerial view of Mannheim city center, 1990 - Photography / Bridgeman Images

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