PIX4647158: Impact on the shuttle Endeavour 09/1994 - Thermal tile damage on Endeavour space shuttle - 09/1994 - View of a damaged thermal tile on the starboard side of the shuttle. 30/09/1994. View of thermal tile damage on one of the pods (located on the starboard side of the orbiter) protecting the Space Shuttle Endeavour's Orbital Maneuvering System (WHO). Sep 30 1994 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4647201: Crews in Spacelab 06/1995 - Crewmembers of STS - 71, Mir - 18 and Mir - 19 - 06/1995 - Teams STS-71 and Mir-18 pose in Spacelab. June 1995. Starting from the centre down and then clockwise: Gregory J. Harbaugh, Robert L. Gibson, Charels J. Precourt, Nikolai M. Budarin, Ellen S. Baker, Bonnie J. Dunbar, Norman E. Thagard, Gennadiy M. Strekalov (in the corner), Vladimir N. Dezhurov, and Anatoly Y. Solovyev. Inside the Spacelab Science Module, the crewmembers of STS - 71, Mir - 18, and Mir - 19 pose for the traditional inflight picture. An important mission for the human spaceflight program, STS-71 was the 100th U.S. human space launch from Cape Canaveral at Kennedy Space Center. Internationally significant as well, STS - 71 was the first U.S. Space Shuttle - Russian Space Station Mir docking and joint on - orbit operation. Bottom center then clockwise are Gregory J. Harbaugh, Robert L. Gibson, Charles J. Precourt, Nikolai M. Budarin, Ellen S. Baker, Bonnie J. Dunbar, Norman E. Thagard, Gennadiy M. Strekalov (angle) Vladimir N. Dezhurov and Anatoly Y. Solovyev / Bridgeman Images
PIX4647213: Decolving the shuttle Columbia STS - 73 - 10/1995 - Launch of STS - 73 Shuttle Columbia - Decolving the shuttle Columbia STS - 73 with Kenneth Bowersox, Kent Rominger, Catherine Thornton, Michael Lopez - Alegria, Fred Leslie and Albert Sacco. 20/10/1995. Launch of STS-73 Shuttle Columbia from Launch Pad 39B. Fields of Study include fluid physics, materials science, biotechnology, combustion science and commercial space processing technologies. Oct 10 1995 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4647220: Atlantis shuttle seen from Mir station - Space Shuttle Atlantis seen from the Mir space station - Atlantis shuttle seen from Mir station. 29 - 06 - 1995 - Mission STS - 71 Fish - eye view of the Space Shuttle Atlantis as seen from the Russian Mir space station during the STS - 71 mission / Bridgeman Images
PIX4647228: Crew STS - 73 07/1995 - STS - 73 crew portrait 07/1995 - Crew portrait STS - 73, front of left: Albert Sacco, Kent Rominger, Michael Lopez - Alegria; behind left: Catherine Coleman, Kenneth Bowersox, Fred Leslie, and Kathryn Thornton. July 1995. STS - 73 crew portrait front row (l. - r.): Albert Sacco Jr., payload specialist; Kent V. Rominger, pilot; Michael E. Lopez - Alegria, mission specialist; back row (l. - r.) Catherine G. Coleman, mission specialist; Kenneth D. Bowersox, commander; Fred W. Leslie, payload specialist; and Kathryn C. Thornton, payload commander. Jul 1995 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4647265: Astronauts in pre-breathing in the shuttle Atlantis - Pre-breathing period for astronauts in the space shuttle Atlantis - Astronauts Michael R. Clifford and Linda M. Godwin, in a period of oxygen pre-breathing prior to their exit into space. March 1996. Astronauts Michael R. (Rich) Clifford and Linda M. Godwin, the assigned space - walking mission specialists for STS - 76, go through a “” pre - breathing””” period on the Space Shuttle Atlantis' middeck. This practice is normal procedure for space - walkers in preparation for their Extravehicular Activity (EVA) and the wearing of their Extravehicular Mobility Units (EMU) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4647382: R.Curbeam photography Earth 08/1997 - Astronaut Robert Curbeam takes pictures of Earth - Robert Curbeam takes pictures of Earth with a 70 mm handheld camera through the overhead windows on the aft flight deck of Discovery. Curbeam is making his first flight aboard a Space Shuttle. Aug 1997 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4647402: Data verification in Discovery 08/1997 - Data checking in space shuttle Discovery. 08/1997 - Astronaut Curtis Brown checks 50 pages of data sent by flight controllers. 08/1997. At the Space Shuttle Discovery's Thermal Imaging Printing System (TIPS) station, Curtis Brown checks some 50 pages of data sent up by flight controllers. Aug 1997 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4646613: Columbia STS - 1 04/81 - First Columbia landing. STS-1. Apr 14 1981 - Landing of Shuttle Columbia STS-1. Edwards Air Force Base, California. 14/04/1981. Orbiter Columbia is landing at Rogers dry lake Runway 23, successfully completing the historic first flight for the Space Shuttle. Astronauts John Young, Commander, and Robert Crippen, Pilot, crewed the spacecraft for the first full test of the Space Transportation System / Bridgeman Images
PIX4646631: Columbia STS - 5 11/1982 - Shuttle Columbia post - landing 11 - 1982 - Shuttle Columbia STS-5 after landing. She had Vance Brand, Bob Overmyer, Joseph Allen and Bill Lenoir on board. 16/11/1982. Shuttle Columbia post - landing tow. Columbia was launched on mission STS-5 on Nov 11 1982. Nov 16 1982 / Bridgeman Images
PIX4666751: Malta view by satellite - Malta seen from satellite - Malta seen by satellite EO - 1 on 12 August 2009. Malta, an independent republic, consists of a small group of islands located in the Mediterranean Sea south of Sicily, with a total area of 316 square kilometers. The capital and leading port of the country is Valletta, which appears as a gray patch around the two deep inlets on Malta's northern coastline. This natural - color image was acquired on August 12 2009, by the EO - 1 satellite / Bridgeman Images
PIX4667042: Czech Republic viewed by satellite - Czech Republic seen from satellite Envisat - Image obtained by satellite Envisat. This MERIS (Medium Resolution Imaging Spectrometer) Image centres over the Czech Republic. The country as it is now was created in 1993 following the ousting of the Communist government in 1989. Czech Republic was replaced by two independent states, Slovakia and the Czech Republic. The capital city, Prague is situated west of centre in the image / Bridgeman Images
PIX4667459: Seven o'clock rock - Montherme - Ardennes - France - Outcrop of folded rocks, shale (slate phyllades) and quartzites. Sedimentary deposits dating from the Cambrian. Former slate quarry of Montherme. Schist and quartzites outcrop in the old slate quarry in Montherme, Ardennes, France / Bridgeman Images
PIX4667506: Antennas of a French ground station Bercenay - en - Othe - Antennas of a French ground station - Bercenay - en - Othe has been home to a teleport (space telecommunications centre) since 1978, with 18 antennas ranging from 1.5 m to 32.5 m (BY4 antenna). The main network covered is: Intelsat, Eutelsat, Arabsat, NSS, Telecom 2. Ground station for telecommunication with artificial satellites. Bercenay - en - Othe, Aube, France / Bridgeman Images
PIX4667509: Antennas of a French ground station Bercenay - en - Othe - Antennas of a French ground station - Bercenay - en - Othe has been home to a teleport (space telecommunications centre) since 1978, with 18 antennas ranging from 1.5 m to 32.5 m (BY4 antenna). The main network covered is: Intelsat, Eutelsat, Arabsat, NSS, Telecom 2. Ground station for telecommunication with artificial satellites. Bercenay - en - Othe, Aube, France / Bridgeman Images