JSN4733500: Le Jardin de Mereville, Essonne, Ile-de-France (Ile de France), France. Architecture by Francois-Joseph Belanger, 1784-1786. Iconography from the book Le jardin de Mereville, published by L'Yeuse, in 2004. Text by Monique Mosser. Inside the Great Rock of the Great Cascade / Bridgeman Images
JSN4733599: Le Jardin de Mereville, Essonne, Ile-de-France (Ile de France), France. Architecture by Francois-Joseph Belanger, 1784-1786. Iconography from the book Le jardin de Mereville, published by L'Yeuse, in 2004. Text by Monique Mosser. Inside the Great Rock of the Great Cascade / Bridgeman Images
JSN4733627: Le Jardin de Mereville, Essonne, Ile-de-France (Ile de France), France. Architecture by Francois-Joseph Belanger, 1784-1786. Iconography from the book Le jardin de Mereville, published by L'Yeuse, in 2004. Text by Monique Mosser. Inside the Great Rock of the Great Cascade / Bridgeman Images
LBY4733160: Parc Departemental de la Courneuve, Seine Saint Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Ile de France (Ile-De-France). Photography 01/08/02. Created in 1956, this park is structured around a large circular lawn (intended to receive large-scale festive initiatives) and is accompanied by the origin of undergrowth and glades. It has grown successively to now count nearly 400 hectares, models by varying rhythms of valleys, lakes, belvederes and vast panoramas. On this large area there are playgrounds, picnic areas, catering kiosks, bike rentals, pedalos, maneges, carriage rides... The Maison du Parc, located on the banks of the great lake, will inform you about all these activities / Bridgeman Images
JSN4733248: Le Jardin de Mereville, Essonne, Ile-de-France (Ile de France), France. Architecture by Francois-Joseph Belanger, 1784-1786. Iconography from the book Le jardin de Mereville, published by L'Yeuse, in 2004. Text by Monique Mosser. Inside the Great Rock of the Great Cascade / Bridgeman Images
LBY4733097: Parc Departemental de la Courneuve, Seine Saint Denis (Seine-Saint-Denis), Ile de France (Ile-De-France). Photography 01/08/02. Created in 1956, this park is structured around a large circular lawn (intended to receive large-scale festive initiatives) and is accompanied by the origin of undergrowth and glades. It has grown successively to now count nearly 400 hectares, models by varying rhythms of valleys, lakes, belvederes and vast panoramas. On this large area there are playgrounds, picnic areas, catering kiosks, bike rentals, pedalos, maneges, carriage rides... The Maison du Parc, located on the banks of the great lake, will inform you about all these activities / Bridgeman Images
MME4737991: Venice Film Festival 1989. Slovak director Juraj Jakubisko, in competition with the movie “” Tisicrocna vcela”” (A Thousand-Year Old Bee), showing one of his drawing/Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1989. Il regista slovacco Juraj Jakubisko, in concorso con il film “” Tisicrocna vcela”” (L'ape millenaria), con in mano un suo disegno - / Bridgeman Images
MME4738033: Venice Film Festival 1989. Slovak director Juraj Jakubisko, in competition with the movie “” Tisicrocna vcela”” (A Thousand-Year Old Bee), in his hotel room/Mostra del Cinema di Venezia 1989. Il regista slovacco Juraj Jakubisko, in concorso con il film “” Tisicrocna vcela”” (L'ape millenaria), nella sua camera d'albergo - / Bridgeman Images
MME4738044: Venice Film Festival 1989. Slovak director Juraj Jakubisko, in competition with the movie “” Tisicrocna vcela”” (A Thousand-Year Old Bee)/Film Festival in Venice 1989. Il regista slovacco Juraj Jakubisko, in concorso con il film “” Tisicrocna vcela”” (L'ape millenaria) - / Bridgeman Images