Spanish soldiers of Hernan Cortes wade ashore in 1519 to battle the Aztecs, copied from the Codex Azcatitlan, c.1550 (colour litho) / Bridgeman Images
Detail of the relief frieze on the east stairway to the Apadana (Audience Hall) depicting delegates from the subject lands of the empire bearing lavish gifts for a ceremony, c.515 BC (photo) / Bridgeman Images
A decorative carving of David and Goliath on the exterior of the Armenian Cathedral Church of the Holy Cross on the Island of Aktamar (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Antonio Segni and Gaetano Martino signing the Treaties of Rome, establishing the European Economic Council (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom) Rome, 25th March 1957 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Second World War - Battle of the Bulge (WWII): In a snow-covered wood, infantrymen of the Third US Armee protect themselves from an enemy barrage fire, Luxembourg, early January 1945 - Photography / Bridgeman Images
Swords: cup-hilted rapier of chiselled steel; left-handed dagger signed `Antonio Cilenta de Neapoli fecit', both 17th century / Bridgeman Images
Charles De Gaulle Government November 21, 1945 With Ministers : Vincent Auriol Francois Gay Louis Jacquinot Maurice Thorez H Teitgen Adrien Tixier Georges Bidault F Billoux Rene Pleven Michelet Charles Tillon Marcel Paul Tanguy Prigent (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Increase of The Price of The Underground Subway Ticket in Paris January 30, 1950 : Policemen Controlling That People Clip Ticket (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images