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The victorious British team parade the Union Jack flag around Pershing Stadium in Paris after taking part in the first ever International Track Meet for Women held. The first
The victorious British team parade the Union Jack flag around Pershing Stadium in Paris after taking part in the first ever International Track Meet for Women held. The first

MPX5128413: The victorious British team parade the Union Jack flag around Pershing Stadium in Paris after taking part in the first ever International Track Meet for Women held. The first "women's Olympic Games" was a one-day track meet in Paris in 1922. Eighteen athletes broke world records before 20,000 spectators. Although women had competed at the IOC's Games since 1900 initially in tennis and golf, and later in archery, gymnastics, skating, and swimming. These events were initiated by Games organizers and sympathetic international federations like La Federation International de Natation Amateur. If IOC founder and president Pierre de Coubertin and some of his colleagues had had their way, these competitions would never have been held. The combined opposition of the IOC and the IAAF kept women out of the most prestigious sport on the program, track and field. But in their buoyant, post-suffrage enthusiasm for new frontiers, women in many countries were competing in track and field in record numbers and achieving record times. If they couldn't enter de Coubertin's Games, Milliat decided, then they would have an Olympics of their own, 20th August 1922 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Boxer Mohamed Ali (Cassius Clay) during Press Conference in Orly (France) Before Match Against Georgeforeman September 10, 1974 (b/w photo)
Boxer Mohamed Ali (Cassius Clay) during Press Conference in Orly (France) Before Match Against Georgeforeman September 10, 1974 (b/w photo)

XRA1643795: Boxer Mohamed Ali (Cassius Clay) during Press Conference in Orly (France) Before Match Against Georgeforeman September 10, 1974 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Opening of the Centre d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou in Beaubourg, Paris, February 2, 1977 (b/w photo)
Opening of the Centre d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou in Beaubourg, Paris, February 2, 1977 (b/w photo)

XRA2680197: Opening of the Centre d'art et de culture Georges Pompidou in Beaubourg, Paris, February 2, 1977 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Brigitte Bardot and Pablo Picasso at villa
Brigitte Bardot and Pablo Picasso at villa

BRJ2690384: Brigitte Bardot and Pablo Picasso at villa "Californie" in Cannes during Cannes festival 1956 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Johnny Hallyday in Paris, France, 12/1980
Johnny Hallyday in Paris, France, 12/1980

LET2700546: Johnny Hallyday in Paris, France, 12/1980 / Bridgeman Images

Zou Zou directed by Marc Allegret,  1934 (poster)
Zou Zou directed by Marc Allegret,  1934 (poster)

XRD1715422: Zou Zou directed by Marc Allegret, 1934 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

Captain Benjamin Briggs (b/w photo)
Captain Benjamin Briggs (b/w photo)

PNP1147330: Captain Benjamin Briggs (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Pope Innocent III (1160-1216), 13th century (fresco)
Pope Innocent III (1160-1216), 13th century (fresco)

REV746384: Pope Innocent III (1160-1216), 13th century (fresco) / Bridgeman Images



Tommaso Buscetta pendant sa déposition à la prison de Rebibbia à Rome. Octobre 1984.
Tommaso Buscetta pendant sa déposition à la prison de Rebibbia à Rome. Octobre 1984.

OLA5337676: Tommaso Buscetta pendant sa déposition à la prison de Rebibbia à Rome. Octobre 1984. / Bridgeman Images

Romy Schneider and Alain Delon, Cannes 1962 (photo)
Romy Schneider and Alain Delon, Cannes 1962 (photo)

OLA5339482: Romy Schneider and Alain Delon, Cannes 1962 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Procès Gucci, Milan, octobre 1998 (photo)
Procès Gucci, Milan, octobre 1998 (photo)

OLA5350621: Procès Gucci, Milan, octobre 1998 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Milan, 1970. Portrait du musicien grec Mikis Theodorakis (né en 1925). Photo Londi. © Farabola/ Leemage
Milan, 1970. Portrait du musicien grec Mikis Theodorakis (né en 1925). Photo Londi. © Farabola/ Leemage

OLA5347000: Milan, 1970. Portrait du musicien grec Mikis Theodorakis (né en 1925). Photo Londi. © Farabola/ Leemage / Bridgeman Images


DIL5676191: METROPOLIS 1926 DIRECTED BY FRITZ LANG / Bridgeman Images

Bernard Pivot, host of cultural and literary tv program Apostrophes, here in 1985
Bernard Pivot, host of cultural and literary tv program Apostrophes, here in 1985

MLO1791517: Bernard Pivot, host of cultural and literary tv program Apostrophes, here in 1985 / Bridgeman Images


MLO1947712: Herge / Bridgeman Images

Florence Malraux
Florence Malraux

MLO2141675: Florence Malraux / Bridgeman Images

Jean Francois Lyotard
Jean Francois Lyotard

MLO2107093: Jean Francois Lyotard / Bridgeman Images


MLO2282828: Coluche / Bridgeman Images

Bertrand Blier
Bertrand Blier

MLO1804571: Bertrand Blier / Bridgeman Images

Joao Guimaraes Rosa
Joao Guimaraes Rosa

OLA1969180: Joao Guimaraes Rosa / Bridgeman Images

Jerry Lewis on Set of Film
Jerry Lewis on Set of Film

XRA1657272: Jerry Lewis on Set of Film "The Day The Clown Cried" at The Winter Circus in Paris, With Pierre Etaix March 22, 1972 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Nosferatu the Vampyre (aka NOSFERATU: PHANTOM DER NACHT), 1979 (film still)
Nosferatu the Vampyre (aka NOSFERATU: PHANTOM DER NACHT), 1979 (film still)

XRD1706408: Nosferatu the Vampyre (aka NOSFERATU: PHANTOM DER NACHT), 1979 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

The Cardinal by Otto Preminger, 1963
The Cardinal by Otto Preminger, 1963

DIL1638190: The Cardinal by Otto Preminger, 1963 / Bridgeman Images

French Singer Marie Myriam Has Won Eurovision Competition in 1977 (photo)
French Singer Marie Myriam Has Won Eurovision Competition in 1977 (photo)

XRA1653448: French Singer Marie Myriam Has Won Eurovision Competition in 1977 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Benito Mussolini, italian fascist leader, during italian war conquest in Ethiopia here during reView troops
Benito Mussolini, italian fascist leader, during italian war conquest in Ethiopia here during reView troops

TAD1743387: Benito Mussolini, italian fascist leader, during italian war conquest in Ethiopia here during reView troops / Bridgeman Images

Parade for Waffen SS soldiers 2nd world war
Parade for Waffen SS soldiers 2nd world war

TAD1757662: Parade for Waffen SS soldiers 2nd world war / Bridgeman Images

China: Chairman Mao Zedong announces the establishment of the People's Republic of China at Tiananmen Square, Beijing, on October 1, 1949
China: Chairman Mao Zedong announces the establishment of the People's Republic of China at Tiananmen Square, Beijing, on October 1, 1949

PFH1189217: China: Chairman Mao Zedong announces the establishment of the People's Republic of China at Tiananmen Square, Beijing, on October 1, 1949 / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mavis Lilian Batey, MBE (b/w photo)
Portrait of Mavis Lilian Batey, MBE (b/w photo)

DGC1772701: Portrait of Mavis Lilian Batey, MBE (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Titanic by J. Cameron, 1997 (film still)
Titanic by J. Cameron, 1997 (film still)

XRD1705331: Titanic by J. Cameron, 1997 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Grease 1978 Directed By Randal Kleiser
Grease 1978 Directed By Randal Kleiser

XRD1730816: Grease 1978 Directed By Randal Kleiser / Bridgeman Images

The pain
The pain

GEO2010607: The pain / Bridgeman Images

Where are you from, Johnny?
Where are you from, Johnny?

SCC2063338: Where are you from, Johnny? / Bridgeman Images

Dino Buzzati
Dino Buzzati

OLA2107613: Dino Buzzati / Bridgeman Images

Actors William Holden and Audrey Hepburn on the set of the film
Actors William Holden and Audrey Hepburn on the set of the film

XRC1552175: Actors William Holden and Audrey Hepburn on the set of the film "Paris When It Sizzles", Paris, 13 July 1962 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Young Fashion Designer Yves Saint Laurent Is Chosen As Christiandior'S Successor during Press Conference November 15, 1957 (b/w photo)
Young Fashion Designer Yves Saint Laurent Is Chosen As Christiandior'S Successor during Press Conference November 15, 1957 (b/w photo)

XRA1670696: Young Fashion Designer Yves Saint Laurent Is Chosen As Christiandior'S Successor during Press Conference November 15, 1957 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

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