Verres (Aoste) 19/05/1939. Voyage de Benito Mussolini au Piémont. Un gigantesque ""M"", sur la route qui traverse le Val d'Aoste, accueille le Duce à son passage. Les balillas saluent et présentent les armes. / Bridgeman Images
Buste de Jules Cesar dit de Chiaromonte 1er siecle avant JC (Julius Gaius CAESAR, 101-44 av JC), general et homme d'Etat romain. Le seul portrait realise de son vivant. Galerie Chiaromonte. Vatican. / Bridgeman Images
One of The Leaders of The Student Protest Movements during Demonstration May 13, 1968 in Paris : Alain Geismar (3Rd From L), Jacques Sauvageot, Daniel Cohn Bendit (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Draughtsmen Goscinny and Uderzo Announcing The Opening of Theme Park Devoted To Their Characters Asterix and Obelix March 17, 1967 Gaulois Gallic (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Princess Margaret With Sir Oliver Harvey in Paris Arriving at A Charity Ball November 21, 1951 (Diamond Tiara By Cartier Worn By Katemiddleton For her Wedding in -2011) (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images