Satin Hunting Coat Embroidered with Silks in Chain Stitch, North Indian (Mughal), Ist half of 17th century (satin and silk) / Bridgeman Images
Blenheim Palace, Exterior view, built between 1705-22 by JohnVanbrugh, (1664-1726) & Nicholas Hawksmoor, (1661-1736) (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Viscountess of Ribes and Raymundo de Larraín during a fancy dress ball on the theme 'My Fair Lady', Restaurant Grande Cascade, Bois de Boulogne, Paris, 23 June 1965 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
Gabriel Bouillon (conductor), Mistislav (Mstislav) Rostropovich (cello), Jean-Pierre Rampal (flute) and Isaac Stern (violin), Concert at the theatre des Champs Elysees, Paris, 14 November 1975 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Eva Corrigan and Beppe Piroddi during a party given by Florence Grinda at the club "Le Prive", Paris, 17 June 1974 (photo) / Bridgeman Images