PIX4583789: Tungouska event -Artist's view-2/3 - Tunguska Valley - Artist view (2/3) - On June 30, 1908 a car, several ten metres in diameter, exploded over the Tounguska region of Siberia. 2000 km of forest and taiga were destroyed, blown by the shock wave of the car. The explosion was heard up to 1500 km. Just after seven in the morning of June 30, 1908 a huge fireball appeared over the region, and detonated as it hit the upper atmosphere. The explosion broke windows over 500 miles away. There were some herdsmen and hunters in the area at the time who were able to provide eyewitness accounts of what became known as the Tunguska Event. Many would later die from what appears to have been radiation exposure / Bridgeman Images