XRA1644277: Jean-Marie Le Pen and his Cohort Pierre Poujade at A Political Rally at The Vel D'Hiv (Velodrome D'Hiver Or Covered Bicycle Racetrack in Paris). This Particular Hall Is Known For It'S Harboring Meetings For The Extreme Right Wing during The German Occupation of Paris Ww2 and the Detention of Jews here Before Their Deportation, January 16, 1956 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
XRA1644303: Algerian war : negotiation of Evian : delegation of FLN (National Front of Liberation) in Bois d'Avault, Switzerland (where members of FLN stayed) on may 21, 1961 : Mohamed Seddik Benyahia, Saad Dahlab, Ahmed Boumendjel, ?, Ahmed Francis, Belkacem Krim, Taieb Boulharouf, Ahmed Kaid (commandant Sliman) (photo) / Bridgeman Images
XRA1654764: Jean Maurice Demarquet and Jean Marie Le Pen (R) during The Demonstrating on The Champs Elysees Avenue in Paris on May 13, 1958 , at The Time of The Creation of The National Salvation Committee and Major Demonstrations in Favour of French Algeria , at The Time of The War (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
XRA1656016: Nicolas Sarkozy (21 Year-Old) (3Rd From Right With Scarf) during Students Demonstration on The Call of The Anti-Strike Committees of Nanterre and Dauphine Universities on The Champs Elysee Avenue in Paris To Ask For The Return To Courses during The Attempts of University Reforms April 14, 1976 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images