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Greek orthodox icon depicting Jesus (shown twice) and his apostles on Lake Tiberias Thessalonique Grece
Greek orthodox icon depicting Jesus (shown twice) and his apostles on Lake Tiberias Thessalonique Grece

GNG5278853: Greek orthodox icon depicting Jesus (shown twice) and his apostles on Lake Tiberias Thessalonique Grece / Bridgeman Images

Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : Goddess Saraswati with her Veena Rishikesh India
Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : Goddess Saraswati with her Veena Rishikesh India

GNG5281078: Lakshman temple in Rishikesh : Goddess Saraswati with her Veena Rishikesh India / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Saint Peter in St Peter's basilica Rome Italie
Statue of Saint Peter in St Peter's basilica Rome Italie

GNG5284121: Statue of Saint Peter in St Peter's basilica Rome Italie / Bridgeman Images

Statue of Pythagoras, Pythagorio, Samos Island, Greece  (photo)
Statue of Pythagoras, Pythagorio, Samos Island, Greece  (photo)

DOY5902706: Statue of Pythagoras, Pythagorio, Samos Island, Greece (photo) / Bridgeman Images

The mosaic of Empress Theodora and attendants, offering a Calice to Christ. Basilica of San Vitale. 6th century, Ravenna, Italy. UNESCO
The mosaic of Empress Theodora and attendants, offering a Calice to Christ. Basilica of San Vitale. 6th century, Ravenna, Italy. UNESCO

FBU5935487: The mosaic of Empress Theodora and attendants, offering a Calice to Christ. Basilica of San Vitale. 6th century, Ravenna, Italy. UNESCO / Bridgeman Images

Magi Balthasar, Melchior and Gaspar leadind the procession of the 22 Virgins of the Byzantine period, moving from the city of Classe towards the Madonna and Child. Byzantine mosaic from the 6th century AD. Basilica of Saint Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenne, Italy. Church inscribed on the World Heritage List -
Magi Balthasar, Melchior and Gaspar leadind the procession of the 22 Virgins of the Byzantine period, moving from the city of Classe towards the Madonna and Child. Byzantine mosaic from the 6th century AD. Basilica of Saint Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenne, Italy. Church inscribed on the World Heritage List -

FBU5935388: Magi Balthasar, Melchior and Gaspar leadind the procession of the 22 Virgins of the Byzantine period, moving from the city of Classe towards the Madonna and Child. Byzantine mosaic from the 6th century AD. Basilica of Saint Apollinare Nuovo, Ravenne, Italy. Church inscribed on the World Heritage List - / Bridgeman Images

Children in a slum area, Breadalbane Street, Glasgow, 1981 (b/w photo)
Children in a slum area, Breadalbane Street, Glasgow, 1981 (b/w photo)

SZT5901675: Children in a slum area, Breadalbane Street, Glasgow, 1981 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Voynich Manuscript folio 56r, c.1500 (ink on parchment)
Voynich Manuscript folio 56r, c.1500 (ink on parchment)

XOS5903665: Voynich Manuscript folio 56r, c.1500 (ink on parchment) / Bridgeman Images

Van Linh buddhist pagoda,  The Life of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama,  The Enlightenment of the Buddha,  An Hao, Vietnam,  2018 (photo)
Van Linh buddhist pagoda,  The Life of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama,  The Enlightenment of the Buddha,  An Hao, Vietnam,  2018 (photo)

GNG5902304: Van Linh buddhist pagoda, The Life of the Buddha, Siddhartha Gautama, The Enlightenment of the Buddha, An Hao, Vietnam, 2018 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

WWII Colour Footage
WWII Colour Footage

IMW6288780: WWII Colour Footage / Bridgeman Images

The Detroit of Gibraltar, with the Mosquee and the lighthouse. Panoramic 360 degrees by Leonard de Selva, Spain, 2004.
The Detroit of Gibraltar, with the Mosquee and the lighthouse. Panoramic 360 degrees by Leonard de Selva, Spain, 2004.

LSE4393439: The Detroit of Gibraltar, with the Mosquee and the lighthouse. Panoramic 360 degrees by Leonard de Selva, Spain, 2004. / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of David Gurion - 2017 -
Portrait of David Gurion - 2017 -

REN4395009: Portrait of David Gurion - 2017 - / Bridgeman Images

Eretmochelys imbricata/Nested Turtle/Scale Turtle/Hawkbill Turtle
Eretmochelys imbricata/Nested Turtle/Scale Turtle/Hawkbill Turtle

HFE4433524: Eretmochelys imbricata/Nested Turtle/Scale Turtle/Hawkbill Turtle / Bridgeman Images

Paprika cultivation/Capsicum annuum/Traditional drying on yarn/Kalocsa/Hungary
Paprika cultivation/Capsicum annuum/Traditional drying on yarn/Kalocsa/Hungary

HFE4452669: Paprika cultivation/Capsicum annuum/Traditional drying on yarn/Kalocsa/Hungary / Bridgeman Images

Hydnum repandum/Hydne sheep's foot/Goat's beard/Cat tongue
Hydnum repandum/Hydne sheep's foot/Goat's beard/Cat tongue

HFE4453401: Hydnum repandum/Hydne sheep's foot/Goat's beard/Cat tongue / Bridgeman Images

Workers' garden/Lilas departmental park/Vitry sur Seine/Val de Marne/Ile de France/France
Workers' garden/Lilas departmental park/Vitry sur Seine/Val de Marne/Ile de France/France

HFE4456942: Workers' garden/Lilas departmental park/Vitry sur Seine/Val de Marne/Ile de France/France / Bridgeman Images

Ursus americanus/American Black Bear/Baribal/American Black Bear
Ursus americanus/American Black Bear/Baribal/American Black Bear

HFE4458433: Ursus americanus/American Black Bear/Baribal/American Black Bear / Bridgeman Images

Branta canadensis/Canada Geese/Canada Goose
Branta canadensis/Canada Geese/Canada Goose

HFE4459036: Branta canadensis/Canada Geese/Canada Goose / Bridgeman Images

Saturn above the clouds of Titan - Illustration - Saturn from atop Titan's hydrocarbon haze - Artist's view of the planet Saturn view 80 km above the surface of his satellite Titan. In the plane of the rings of the planet appear from left to right the satellites Enceladus, Dione, Tethys and Rhea. Saturn and its rings would be a majestic sight lording over Titan's hydrocarbon haze. The viewpoint is from 50 miles above Titan's surface and three - quarters of a million miles away from Saturn itself. Four of Saturn's smaller satellites can also be seen along the ring plane: left to right are Enceladus, Dione, Tethys and Rhea. Technically, the orange clouds mark the beginning of Titan's condensate haze, which consists of ethane, methane, nitrogen, and a variety of hydrocarbons known collectively as tholin. These gases and hydrocarbons extend upward another 250 miles, resulting in a bluish, earthlike sky, albeit darker due to Titan's great distance from the Sun. Tholin is created by the interaction of the nitrogen - rich gases with ultraviolet light from the Sun and ultimately precipitates all the way down to Titan's surface. Notwithstanding its flame - like colors, this haze is chilled to minus 330o F
Saturn above the clouds of Titan - Illustration - Saturn from atop Titan's hydrocarbon haze - Artist's view of the planet Saturn view 80 km above the surface of his satellite Titan. In the plane of the rings of the planet appear from left to right the satellites Enceladus, Dione, Tethys and Rhea. Saturn and its rings would be a majestic sight lording over Titan's hydrocarbon haze. The viewpoint is from 50 miles above Titan's surface and three - quarters of a million miles away from Saturn itself. Four of Saturn's smaller satellites can also be seen along the ring plane: left to right are Enceladus, Dione, Tethys and Rhea. Technically, the orange clouds mark the beginning of Titan's condensate haze, which consists of ethane, methane, nitrogen, and a variety of hydrocarbons known collectively as tholin. These gases and hydrocarbons extend upward another 250 miles, resulting in a bluish, earthlike sky, albeit darker due to Titan's great distance from the Sun. Tholin is created by the interaction of the nitrogen - rich gases with ultraviolet light from the Sun and ultimately precipitates all the way down to Titan's surface. Notwithstanding its flame - like colors, this haze is chilled to minus 330o F

PIX4626034: Saturn above the clouds of Titan - Illustration - Saturn from atop Titan's hydrocarbon haze - Artist's view of the planet Saturn view 80 km above the surface of his satellite Titan. In the plane of the rings of the planet appear from left to right the satellites Enceladus, Dione, Tethys and Rhea. Saturn and its rings would be a majestic sight lording over Titan's hydrocarbon haze. The viewpoint is from 50 miles above Titan's surface and three - quarters of a million miles away from Saturn itself. Four of Saturn's smaller satellites can also be seen along the ring plane: left to right are Enceladus, Dione, Tethys and Rhea. Technically, the orange clouds mark the beginning of Titan's condensate haze, which consists of ethane, methane, nitrogen, and a variety of hydrocarbons known collectively as tholin. These gases and hydrocarbons extend upward another 250 miles, resulting in a bluish, earthlike sky, albeit darker due to Titan's great distance from the Sun. Tholin is created by the interaction of the nitrogen - rich gases with ultraviolet light from the Sun and ultimately precipitates all the way down to Titan's surface. Notwithstanding its flame - like colors, this haze is chilled to minus 330o F / Bridgeman Images


GIE4820980: ERIC HOBSBAWM / Bridgeman Images

Second World War - Battle of the Bulge (WWII): An officer and a corporal of the Third American Armee looking for possible mines left by German troops during their retreat from Wiltz (Luxembourg) - Photography 23 January 1945
Second World War - Battle of the Bulge (WWII): An officer and a corporal of the Third American Armee looking for possible mines left by German troops during their retreat from Wiltz (Luxembourg) - Photography 23 January 1945

ETE4865991: Second World War - Battle of the Bulge (WWII): An officer and a corporal of the Third American Armee looking for possible mines left by German troops during their retreat from Wiltz (Luxembourg) - Photography 23 January 1945 / Bridgeman Images

Second World War (1939-1945), Liberation of Metz, November 17, 1944: Soldiers of the 2nd Beat of 377th RI of the 95th US DI “” Victory Division””” pass the sign “” Metz”” at the north entrance of Woippy (WWII, Battle of Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France, 17th November 1944) Photography
Second World War (1939-1945), Liberation of Metz, November 17, 1944: Soldiers of the 2nd Beat of 377th RI of the 95th US DI “” Victory Division””” pass the sign “” Metz”” at the north entrance of Woippy (WWII, Battle of Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France, 17th November 1944) Photography

ETE4872839: Second World War (1939-1945), Liberation of Metz, November 17, 1944: Soldiers of the 2nd Beat of 377th RI of the 95th US DI “” Victory Division””” pass the sign “” Metz”” at the north entrance of Woippy (WWII, Battle of Metz, Moselle, Lorraine, France, 17th November 1944) Photography / Bridgeman Images

Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Mulhouse (Alsace) France 22 November 1944: A Sherman M4 tank of the 1st Blindee Division of the 1st French Armee leads a column of soldiers of the German garrison after their surrender
Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Mulhouse (Alsace) France 22 November 1944: A Sherman M4 tank of the 1st Blindee Division of the 1st French Armee leads a column of soldiers of the German garrison after their surrender

ETE4919737: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Mulhouse (Alsace) France 22 November 1944: A Sherman M4 tank of the 1st Blindee Division of the 1st French Armee leads a column of soldiers of the German garrison after their surrender / Bridgeman Images

Baccalaureate Examination October 3, 1951 (b/w photo)
Baccalaureate Examination October 3, 1951 (b/w photo)

XRA1646453: Baccalaureate Examination October 3, 1951 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

French Prime Minister Edgar Faure during First Ministers Council January 21, 1952 (b/w photo)
French Prime Minister Edgar Faure during First Ministers Council January 21, 1952 (b/w photo)

XRA1647028: French Prime Minister Edgar Faure during First Ministers Council January 21, 1952 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Yves Mourousi and Marie Laure Augry
Yves Mourousi and Marie Laure Augry

SCC2028005: Yves Mourousi and Marie Laure Augry / Bridgeman Images

Leonard Bernstein conducting Vienna Phiharmonic Orchestra, 1988 at Lucerne Concert Hall
Leonard Bernstein conducting Vienna Phiharmonic Orchestra, 1988 at Lucerne Concert Hall

GAF3922458: Leonard Bernstein conducting Vienna Phiharmonic Orchestra, 1988 at Lucerne Concert Hall / Bridgeman Images

Frankenstein, 1931
Frankenstein, 1931

BAD2157983: Frankenstein, 1931 / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1999.
Portrait of the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1999.

MME4703161: Portrait of the Colombian writer Gabriel Garcia Marquez in 1999. / Bridgeman Images

Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellini in Strada Nuova, 1563
Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellini in Strada Nuova, 1563

ELC855675: Palazzo Nicolosio Lomellini in Strada Nuova, 1563 / Bridgeman Images

Villa Farnese (Palazzo Farnese), by Barozzi Jacopo known as Vignola, 1550 - 1559, 16th Century
Villa Farnese (Palazzo Farnese), by Barozzi Jacopo known as Vignola, 1550 - 1559, 16th Century

ELC851922: Villa Farnese (Palazzo Farnese), by Barozzi Jacopo known as Vignola, 1550 - 1559, 16th Century / Bridgeman Images

False Perspective Choir (Finto coro prospettico), by Donato di Pascuccio di Antonio known as Bramante, 1478, 15th Century, fresco, painted stucco
False Perspective Choir (Finto coro prospettico), by Donato di Pascuccio di Antonio known as Bramante, 1478, 15th Century, fresco, painted stucco

MEP852359: False Perspective Choir (Finto coro prospettico), by Donato di Pascuccio di Antonio known as Bramante, 1478, 15th Century, fresco, painted stucco / Bridgeman Images

Villa Barbaro in Maser (Villa Barbaro a Maser), by Paolo Caliari known as Veronese, Alessandro Vittoria and Andrea di Pietro della Gondola known as Palladio, 1555, 16h Century
Villa Barbaro in Maser (Villa Barbaro a Maser), by Paolo Caliari known as Veronese, Alessandro Vittoria and Andrea di Pietro della Gondola known as Palladio, 1555, 16h Century

ELC852865: Villa Barbaro in Maser (Villa Barbaro a Maser), by Paolo Caliari known as Veronese, Alessandro Vittoria and Andrea di Pietro della Gondola known as Palladio, 1555, 16h Century / Bridgeman Images

Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican City, Vatican City State, 2010 (photo)
Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican City, Vatican City State, 2010 (photo)

MEP1562744: Pope Benedict XVI, Vatican City, Vatican City State, 2010 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Pierre Cardin talking to Jeanne Moreau, 1964 (b/w photo)
Pierre Cardin talking to Jeanne Moreau, 1964 (b/w photo)

MEP1563691: Pierre Cardin talking to Jeanne Moreau, 1964 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Yves Montand sitting on an armchair, 1958 (b/w photo)
Yves Montand sitting on an armchair, 1958 (b/w photo)

MEP1563946: Yves Montand sitting on an armchair, 1958 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

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