PIX4636541: Centre of the Milky Way Central Region - Center of the Milky Way: Central part of the lactee route seen in New Zealand. Planet Saturn is the bright white dot towards the center of the image (near the nebula of the pipe). The central part of our Milky Way photographed from New Zealand. Lots of emission and obscure nebulae are visible in the image. Planet Saturn in the bright white “” star”” close to the center of the image. A diffusing filter was used to enhance star color and general shape of the constellations. / Bridgeman Images
PIX4669145: Earth seen by satellite DSCOVR - Earth seen by satellite DSCOVR: Earth photo obtained by satellite Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR) on July 6, 2015. This satellite, launched on 11 February 2015, and placed in orbit 1.6 million km, at the point of Lagrange L1 (about 4 times farther than the Moon's orbit), provides views of the Earth as a whole - The journey has been a long one for the Deep Space Climate Observatory (DSCOVR). Once known as Triana, the satellite was conceived in 1998 to provide continuous views of Earth, to monitor the solar wind, and to measure fluctuations in Earth's albedo. The mission was put on hold in 2001, and the part-built satellite ended up in storage for several years with an uncertain future. In 2008, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), NASA, and the U.S. Air Force decided to refurbish and update the spacecraft for launch - On February 11, 2015, DSCOVR was finally lofted into space by a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket. After journey of about 1.6 million kilometers (1 million miles) to the L1 Lagrange Point, the satellite and its Earth Polychromatic Imaging Camera (EPIC) has returned its first view of the entire sunlit side of Earth. At L1-four times farther than the orbit of the Moon - the gravitational pull of the Sun and Earth cancel out, providing a stable orbit and a continuous view of Earth. The image above was made by combining information from Epic's red, green, and blue bands. (Bands are narrow regions of the electromagnetic spectrum to which a remote sensing instrument responds. When EPIC collects data, it takes a series of 10 images at different bands - from ultraviolet to near infrared.) / Bridgeman Images
PIX4672476: Umnak Island - Aleutian Islands - Alaska - Umnak Island - Aleutian Islands - Alaska: Umnak Island is one of the Fox Islands, belonging to the Aleutian Islands in Alaska, USA. With an area of more than 1,776 km, it is the third largest of the Aleutian Islands. At the top right is the Okmok caldera (erupted in 2008), below the Vsevidof volcano; below the left, the Ile des Quatre Montagnes. Image obtained on 3 May 2014 by the Landsat-8 satellite. On May 3, 2014, the Landsat 8 satellite acquired this natural-color image of Umnak Island and its volcanic neighbors in the Aleutian Island chain. Part of the Fox Islands, Umnak is the third largest in the Aleutian chain and lies just southwest of Unalaska. Umnak is mostly unpopulated, with roughly 40 people living in the village of Nikolski near the southwest tip of the island. Being a volcanic island, Umnak has numerous mud pots, hot springs, and the only geysers in Alaska. The landscape is dominated by volcanoes. On the northern half of the island, Okmok - site of the 2008 eruption - rises 1073 meters (3,520 feet) above sea level as a broad shield volcano with a caldera nestled near the top. A crater lake sits amidst the volcanic ash and debris in the caldera. Mount Vsevidof, a symmetrical stratovolcano, rises 2149 meters (7,050 feet) and dominates the skyline of the southern portion of Umnak Island. The volcanic Islands of the Four Mountains are also visible in the lower left of the wide image / Bridgeman Images
PIX4662478: Sinosauropteryx - View of a Sinosauropteryx prima, a small theropod dinosaur who lived in China 130 million years ago, at the beginning of Cretace. A metre-long compsognathid dinosaur, Sinosauropteryx prima, drilling for prey in a Cretaceous Chinese forest. This dinosaur is among the growing number whose remains include preserved feather-like integumentary structures, strongly suggesting their close kinship with birds / Bridgeman Images
PIX4677108: Sulfur flow in molten - Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - Sulfur burning flow at Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - Sulfur flow in molten on Kawah Ijen volcano. Sulphur on fire emits a blue glow. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia, on the Pacific belt of fire. Sulfur burning flow at Kawah Ijen volcano seen at night. Burning sulfur is emitting blue light. This active stratovolcano is located on the island of Java in Indonesia on the Pacific Ring of fire / Bridgeman Images
PIX4677114: Sulphur miner on the volcano Kawah Ijen -Java, Indonesia - Sulfer miner on Kawah Ijen volcano -Java, Indonesia - A sulfur miner in the solfatare of the volcano Kawah Ijen on the island of Java in Indonesia. Sulphur on fire emits a blue glow. Sulfur miner on Kawah Ijen volcano seen at night. Burning sulfur is emitting blue light. Island of Java, Indonesia / Bridgeman Images