PIX4633209: 100m ocean level rise - Europe - Europe with sea level+100m - Artist's view showing Europe as it would appear if the ocean level increased by 100 metres. This would happen if all glaciers on Earth melt. This is how Europe, North Africa and the Middle East may appear with mean sea level about 100 meters (330 feet) above today's. Such a dramatic rise in sea level could occur if all of the Earth's glaciers were to melt.In this image almost every European country has been flooded with sea water to some extent. Much of the United Kingdom and France have become part of the Atlantic Ocean while Denmark and The Netherlands are completely submerged as are Estonia, Latvia, and Lithuania. The Black Sea has grown to include much of Bulgaria and Ukraine.The Mediterranean Sea now covers parts of Egypt (including all of the Nile delta), Libya and Tunisia and all of western Israel. The Persian Gulf has completely submerged Kuwait, Bahrain, Qatar, and much of Iraq and United Arab Emirates. To the west some of Mauritania and all of Senegal have become part of the Atlantic Ocean / Bridgeman Images
PIX4632784: Ichthyostega - Devonian tetrapods - View of atist depicting two Ichthyostega, tetrapods, 385 million years ago, to the upper Devonian. Half-fish, half-terrestrial animal, the Ichthyostega was about 1 metre long. Between them are represented in the water several trilobites and in the background a Bothriolepis. The vegetation consists mainly of ferns and archaeopteris, considered the first trees. A pair of four - limbed, Upper Devonian vertebrate animals of the genus Ichthyostega confront one another 365 million years ago at the edge of a freshwater pond. Basically half fish, half land animal, these tetrapods are each about three feet long. Between them in the water are several marine arthropods known as trilobites. Further beyond in the water is a 12 inch long Bothriolepis. Most of the plant life is varieties of fern, including the tall trees known as Archaeopteris / Bridgeman Images
PIX4580688: Circumpolar, Pasargades, Iran - Pasargad and circumpolar - Long pose on the stars around the polar star. In the foreground, the ruins of the palace of Pasargades (Iran). Long exposure image of stars around the polaris star. Foreground is a 2500 - year old palace in Pasargad, Fars province, southen Iran / Bridgeman Images
TOU4351057: William Joyner (Malatestino dall'occhio) and Svetla Vassileva (Francesca). Svetla Vassileva (Francesca). Francesca da Rimini, opera by Riccardo Zandonai at the Opera Bastille, Paris, January 2011. Orchestre de l'Opera de Paris directed by Daniel Oren and directed by Giancarlo del Monaco. Photography / Bridgeman Images
YOU4419853: View of the church Saint Louis des Invalides in Paris, French Baroque architecture, initially chapel of the hotel des Invalides commissioned by Louis XIV, built by Jules Hardouin Mansart (Hardouin-Mansart) (1646-1708), superintendent of the king's buildings, architect of the castle of Versailles, it houses the tomb of Napoleon 1er - Photography, KIM Youngtae / Bridgeman Images
YOU4419737: Vault of the chapel Saint Zenon (cappella di san Zenone) of the Basilica of Santa Praxede (Basilica di Santa Prassede) in Rome, Mosaics representing Christ in glory (Christ pantocrator) supported by four angels in the center of the Garden of Paradise, made under Pope Pascal 1st, Italian religious architecture, Church built in the 8th by Pope Adrien 1st., Rome, Lazio, Italy. / Bridgeman Images