PIX4641095: Peggy Whitson in the International Space Station (ISS) - Peggy Whitson in ISS: Astronaut Peggy Whitson in weightlessness in Cupola, the panoramic observation dome of the International Space Station (ISS). December 3, 2016. Astronaut Peggy Whitson floats in Cupola Module aboard the International Space Station. December 3 2016 / Bridgeman Images
ITR4553789: Allegories of the Synagogue. Inspired by examples given in Strasbourg and Reims, this work by Fromanger adorns the buttress surrounding the central portal of the Notre-Dame de Paris Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXeme, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc - / Bridgeman Images