Parroissial enclosure, Church, polychrome jub, details the education of the Virgin by Sainte Anne, La Roche Maurice, Finistre, France (photo) / Bridgeman Images
The Calvary of 1588, 200 characters and the church, Guimillau, Valle de l'Elorn, Parroissial enclosure, Finister, France (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Le Calvary of 1588, detail of the Enema of the Feet, Guimillau, Valle de l'Elorn, Parroissial Enclosures, Finister, France (photo) / Bridgeman Images
Parroissial enclosure, Church, the Baptismal Fonds 1675, Guimillau, Valle de l'Elorn, Parroissial enclosure, Finister, France (photo) / Bridgeman Images