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inside of the Rock Church of Santa Maria de Idris, with passage to access the Church of San Giovanni in Monterrone.Matera, Basilicata, Italy.
inside of the Rock Church of Santa Maria de Idris, with passage to access the Church of San Giovanni in Monterrone.Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

RTG5942129: inside of the Rock Church of Santa Maria de Idris, with passage to access the Church of San Giovanni in Monterrone.Matera, Basilicata, Italy. / Bridgeman Images

putridarium in the underground cemetery, Rock Church of San Pietro Barisano, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.
putridarium in the underground cemetery, Rock Church of San Pietro Barisano, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

RTG5942137: putridarium in the underground cemetery, Rock Church of San Pietro Barisano, Matera, Basilicata, Italy. / Bridgeman Images

San Giovanni Battista, fresco in the Rock Church of Santa Lucia alle Malve, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.
San Giovanni Battista, fresco in the Rock Church of Santa Lucia alle Malve, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

RTG5942141: San Giovanni Battista, fresco in the Rock Church of Santa Lucia alle Malve, Matera, Basilicata, Italy. / Bridgeman Images

inside of the Rock Church of Our Lady of Derelitti, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.
inside of the Rock Church of Our Lady of Derelitti, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

RTG5942152: inside of the Rock Church of Our Lady of Derelitti, Matera, Basilicata, Italy. / Bridgeman Images

outside of the Rock Church of Christ alla Selva, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.
outside of the Rock Church of Christ alla Selva, Matera, Basilicata, Italy.

RTG5942165: outside of the Rock Church of Christ alla Selva, Matera, Basilicata, Italy. / Bridgeman Images

Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of the Padreterno in the ravine of Coriglione. (photo)
Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of the Padreterno in the ravine of Coriglione. (photo)

RTG5948746: Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of the Padreterno in the ravine of Coriglione. (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of the Padreterno in the ravine of Coriglione. (photo)
Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of the Padreterno in the ravine of Coriglione. (photo)

RTG5948748: Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of the Padreterno in the ravine of Coriglione. (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Castellaneta, Taranto, Apulia, Italy, The rock settlement of Santa Maria di Constantinople, in the Gravina di Coriglione (photo)
Castellaneta, Taranto, Apulia, Italy, The rock settlement of Santa Maria di Constantinople, in the Gravina di Coriglione (photo)

RTG5948752: Castellaneta, Taranto, Apulia, Italy, The rock settlement of Santa Maria di Constantinople, in the Gravina di Coriglione (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The rock church of Santo Stefano in the ravine of Santo Stefano (photo)
Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The rock church of Santo Stefano in the ravine of Santo Stefano (photo)

RTG5948760: Castellaneta, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The rock church of Santo Stefano in the ravine of Santo Stefano (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Massafra, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of San Leonardo, in the urban area. Christ Pantocrator, fresco (photo)
Massafra, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of San Leonardo, in the urban area. Christ Pantocrator, fresco (photo)

RTG5948769: Massafra, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of San Leonardo, in the urban area. Christ Pantocrator, fresco (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Massafra, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of San Leonardo, in the urban area. Christ Pantocrator, fresco (photo)
Massafra, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of San Leonardo, in the urban area. Christ Pantocrator, fresco (photo)

RTG5948771: Massafra, Taranto, Puglia, Italy, The Rock Church of San Leonardo, in the urban area. Christ Pantocrator, fresco (photo) / Bridgeman Images

The Purple Plain directed by Robert Parrish, 1954
The Purple Plain directed by Robert Parrish, 1954

DIL5949394: The Purple Plain directed by Robert Parrish, 1954 / Bridgeman Images

Cluny Brown directed by Ernst Lubitsch, 1946
Cluny Brown directed by Ernst Lubitsch, 1946

DIL5949401: Cluny Brown directed by Ernst Lubitsch, 1946 / Bridgeman Images

A Farewell To Arms directed by Charles Vidor, 1957
A Farewell To Arms directed by Charles Vidor, 1957

DIL5949408: A Farewell To Arms directed by Charles Vidor, 1957 / Bridgeman Images

We Were Strangers directed by John Huston, 1949
We Were Strangers directed by John Huston, 1949

DIL5949425: We Were Strangers directed by John Huston, 1949 / Bridgeman Images

The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit directed by Nunnally Johnson, 1956
The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit directed by Nunnally Johnson, 1956

DIL5949428: The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit directed by Nunnally Johnson, 1956 / Bridgeman Images

Madame Bovary directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1949
Madame Bovary directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1949

DIL5949433: Madame Bovary directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1949 / Bridgeman Images

Madame Bovary directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1949
Madame Bovary directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1949

DIL5949435: Madame Bovary directed by Vincente Minnelli, 1949 / Bridgeman Images

Altamura, Bari, Apulia, Italy, The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, exterior, portal carved by Mastro Antonio da Andria in 1533
Altamura, Bari, Apulia, Italy, The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, exterior, portal carved by Mastro Antonio da Andria in 1533

RTG5952073: Altamura, Bari, Apulia, Italy, The Cathedral of Santa Maria Assunta, exterior, portal carved by Mastro Antonio da Andria in 1533 / Bridgeman Images

Altamura, Bari, Apulia, Italy, Monastery of Santa Chiara, exterior, statue of Saint Francis (photo)
Altamura, Bari, Apulia, Italy, Monastery of Santa Chiara, exterior, statue of Saint Francis (photo)

RTG5952075: Altamura, Bari, Apulia, Italy, Monastery of Santa Chiara, exterior, statue of Saint Francis (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior

RTG5952082: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of San Riccardo
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of San Riccardo

RTG5952087: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of San Riccardo / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior

RTG5952090: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior

RTG5952091: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Interior / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Outside
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Outside

RTG5952094: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Outside / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Crypt
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Crypt

RTG5952095: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Crypt / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Crypt
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Crypt

RTG5952096: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Crypt / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in heaven, wooden choir
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in heaven, wooden choir

RTG5952102: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in heaven, wooden choir / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Apulia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Comunichino
Andria, Apulia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Comunichino

RTG5952103: Andria, Apulia, Italy, The Cathedral of the Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Comunichino / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of San Riccardo
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of San Riccardo

RTG5952105: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of San Riccardo / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, Castel del Monte, built by Federico II
Andria, Puglia, Italy, Castel del Monte, built by Federico II

RTG5952108: Andria, Puglia, Italy, Castel del Monte, built by Federico II / Bridgeman Images

Andria, puglia, italy, church of Sant'agostino, bell tower
Andria, puglia, italy, church of Sant'agostino, bell tower

RTG5952111: Andria, puglia, italy, church of Sant'agostino, bell tower / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, Church of Sant'Agostino, Lunetta del Portale, Christ between San Remigio and San Leonardo,
Andria, Puglia, Italy, Church of Sant'Agostino, Lunetta del Portale, Christ between San Remigio and San Leonardo,

RTG5952113: Andria, Puglia, Italy, Church of Sant'Agostino, Lunetta del Portale, Christ between San Remigio and San Leonardo, / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of St. Francis of Paola and Santa Colomba, Wooden Crucifix coming from the ancient church of San Bartolomeo
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of St. Francis of Paola and Santa Colomba, Wooden Crucifix coming from the ancient church of San Bartolomeo

RTG5952120: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, Chapel of St. Francis of Paola and Santa Colomba, Wooden Crucifix coming from the ancient church of San Bartolomeo / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, the Crucifix called “Doloroso”
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, the Crucifix called “Doloroso”

RTG5952125: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, the Crucifix called “Doloroso” / Bridgeman Images

Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, head of Putto. recovered top altar of the altar that was destroyed in the fire of 1916
Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, head of Putto. recovered top altar of the altar that was destroyed in the fire of 1916

RTG5952127: Andria, Puglia, Italy, The Cathedral of Mary Most Holy Assumption in Heaven, head of Putto. recovered top altar of the altar that was destroyed in the fire of 1916 / Bridgeman Images

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