MPX5095735: Someone will be on the receiving end from a Henry Cooper punch, and like it, as the BBC early morning programme "Morning Show" will explain to listeners throughout the world. Henry was in the sports department of Harrods in Knightsbridge, punching a fairground-type punch-ball. His top score was noted, and the first person to guess his hardest punch - up to 600lb - will be the winner of the competition and will be presented with a punch-ball by Harrods. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095761: Raymond Humphreys the Labour candidate for Wanstead and Woodford sat in his tiny office at Church Lane Leytonstone last night and wrote his letter of resignation. Raymond Humphreys who was acquitted of a rape charge last week, writing a letter to the Labour party. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095763: Legless Norman Croucher 29 walked on artificial legs from John o' Groats nearly 900 miles to finish at Land's End pushing his trolley containing the gear he needed during the marathon walk. He was met by his wife Judy 26. Judy accompanies Norman on the last few steps of his walk as he reaches Land's End. December 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095780: The book 'Last Exit to Brooklyn which is alleged to be obscene, the books publishers Calder and Boyars Ltd, of Brewer Street Soho, have pleaded not guilty to breaking the Obscene Publication Act. Publishers Mr John Calder and Mrs Marion Boyars seen here on their way to the Old Bailey, 22/11/1967 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095814: Clothing: Ringside view. Slashed at the sides to a deep underarm V, ringed and looped for side-long glances. This dashing little black dress in bonded rayon with rings in white plastic has a square neckline. Easy on the eye, and easy on the figure, too-it is the simplest form of flattery a girl can find. From main branches of C. and A. Price 90s. Also in white, with black rings. August 1969 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095848: She's on her own It's not a double act, they are not twins, it's just a little 17 years old girl all out on her own. But she has managed very well indeed up to now. In her first professional engagement in the theatre she has managed a job in pantomime at the London Palladium. She has just left the Sadlers Wells Ballet school, to which she won a scholarship from the Royal Academy of Dancing. Her name is Judy Monitz of Wembley, London. December 1953 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5095851: Pianist, Winifred Attwell went into the lion's cage at Jack Hylton's Circus. She played a number especially composed for the occasion entitled "Boogamba" (a Jungle Rhapsody) with her in the cage was the lion "Royale". Although the keeper was in the cage, Miss Atwell was completely unprotected. December 1953 / Bridgeman Images