XRA1675182: Charlie Chaplin And Paul Louis Weiller Coming To See More Near The Baroness Of Cabrol's Set Who Embored “Snow” In “Winter Ball” At Ice Palace Or “People of the World” Giving Their Gala To Benefit From “The Rising” Child Assistance Work Abandoned December 8, 1954 Neg: A306 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
XRA1652067: French Prime Minister Michel Debre Presenting his Government To French President Charles De Gaulle January 10, 1959 at Elysee Palacz : L-Rd Front Row Antoine Pinay, Berthoin , Edmond Michelet, Robert Lecourt, Felix Houphouet-Boigny, Michel Drebre, Charles De Gaulle, Jacques Soustelle, Louis Jacquinot, Andre Malraux, Maurice Couve De Murville, Pierre Guillaumat, Andre Bouloche , 2Nd Row Michel Maurice Bokanowsky, Joseph Fontanet, Pierre Chatenet, Roger Frey, Raymond Triboulet, Robert Buron, Jean Marcel Jeanneney, Paul Bacon, Pierre Sudreau, Bernard Cornut Gentille, Mlle Nefrissa Sid Cara, Max Flechet and Valery Giscard D'Estaing (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images