MPX5137067: Actress Susan Hampshire seen here in St. Martin's-in-the-Fields, London demonstrating for the abolition of VAT to the live performing arts - theatre, music, opera, ballet, owing to spiraling costs. Also in the demonstration today was Sheila Hancock, Richard Briers, Jane Lapotaire, Anna Carteret (National Theatre). February 1975 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5137147: Aircraft line up at Elmdon airport as Midland holidaymakers queue to join a plane for Guernsey. Many Coventry people were among the hundreds of passengers who packed the waiting rooms. The most popular destinations were Ireland and the Channel Isles. 28th July 1961 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5137183: BERNARD VICKERS, legendary editor of the Daily Record, died on August, 22 (2014) after a short illness. He was, 82. He joined the paper as deputy editor in the 1970s and left in 1988, having taken the paper to unprecedented circulation and profits. (Picture) Bernard Vickers, 6th May 1988 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5137260: This is the sight that greets travellers as they enter Swansea by train. It is one of the derelict factory sites in the Landore district which, say Swansea and District Employment Committee, deter industrialists from coming to the area. This week (15th January 1960) the committee decided to write to the owner of one site in Morriston asking that it be tidied up so that firms could be invited there., 14th January 1960 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images