MPX5127501: Baby in the belfry. Sitting happily in his pram, watching the efforts of his mummie and daddy and cocking an ear as the peals ring out is ten month old Jimmy Booker the bellringers baby at Shoreham, Kent. His parents Dad third from the left and his mum next to him take young Jimmy with them to the church every Sunday morning when they go to do their stuff in the bellringing team 26th August 1945 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5127507: Whenever the town of Gravesend, Kent, has something to celebrate the townsfolk ceremoniously burn a 30 ft. whaler after dragging it through the streets in a torchlight procession. The scene as the whaler was ignited. Police mingled with the crowd to prevent a panicky retreat when the flames really got a grip, c. 1960 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images