ZUM4919688: Mar 03, 1954 - Orchestra Leader Goes To the Palace In Wheelchair Returns To Hospital After Receiving O.B.E.: Mr. George Stratton, 27 year old former leader and associated conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra - traveled by car and wheel chair from the Bolinngbroke Hospital, Balham this morning to Buckingham Palace to receive the O.B.E. from the Queen Mother at today a Investiture.. He has been an inmate of the hospital for the past fourteen weeks. He resigned from the Orchestra in September 1952 so that he could devote more time to conducting and teaching at the Royal College of Music / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4919715: Mar 03, 1954 - Orchestra Leader Goes To the Palace In Wheelchair Returns To Hospital After Receiving O.B.E.: Mr. George Stratton, 27 year old former leader and associated conductor of the London Symphony Orchestra - traveled by car and wheel chair from the Bolinngbroke Hospital, Balham this morning to Buckingham Palace to receive the O.B.E. from the Queen Mother at today a Investiture.. He has been an inmate of the hospital for the past fourteen weeks. He resigned from the Orchestra in September 1952 so that he could devote more time to conducting and teaching at the Royal College of Music / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4919749: Tue 03, 1954 - A Hypnotist Kills Her Stage Fright... The Actress from Greece... Kitza Kazacos relaxes under the spell of a hypnotist - because she is scared of audience... Kitza, a 29 year old Greek Beauty is to appear in the midnight matinee at the London Palladium in aid of the actor's orphanage and she say that the hypnotist drives away her fears / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4920112: Tue 03, 1954 - Frames now change with Dresses: Glenses frames in plastic and a range of colors and plain and ornate designs that can be changed to match or contrast with dresses will be shown in the Scientific and? Optical Section of the British Industries Fair, London and Birmingham, May 3 - 14. Manufacture, Wheway Optical Co. Ltd., 214 Barr Street, Birmingham 19, England / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4920300: Tue 03, 1954 - PRESIDENT NEGUIB AND BRITISH AMBASSADOR DISCUSES CANAL ZONE INCIDENTS. Incidents in the Suez Canal zone mere discussed at a recent meeting in Cairo between President Neguib and Sir Ralph Stevenson, the British Ambassador in Cairo. They met at the Presidency of the Council of Ministers, the meeting having taken place at the request of tin Ambassador / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4922447: Tue 20, 1954 - New road safety glove. A road safety glove with a light in the right hand gauntlet has been designed so that motor cyclists hand signals can be seen at night. A small bulb lights on contact between the tip of the thumb and forefinger. A small battery, lasting about 2-3 months is concealed in the gauntlet and can replaced for a few pence. The glove is being patented by the makers, I & R. Morley, Ltd, of Worcester, and the gloves are to be sent to the leading motoring authorities for their comments. They cost about? 3.15.0 a pair / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4923639: Apr. 04, 1954 - Errol Flynn arrives - Hollywood film star Errol Flynn, who is to star with Anna Neagle in her next film” Lilacs in the Spring””, arrived at London Airport today. Keystone Photo Shows: - Errol Flynn, seen at London Airport today, with Anna Neagle, who, with Herbert Wilcox met him at the airport / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4923900: Apr. 04, 1954 - DIOR PUTS PARIS INTO BLENHEIM PALACE FASHION DISPLAY IN AID OF THE BRITISH RED CROSS History and the H-line made a pageant of contrasts when VNRiavian olor uxsp.nywu.16 W.Utr.. Palau, which was built as a gift to the Duke of Marlhrough after hie victory over the French, at Blenheim in 1704. Sir Winston Churchill was born there and fashion paraded past the pictures of his ancestors. The display was organised by the Duke and Duohese of Marlborough on behalf of the British Red Cross, with Princess Margaret ae met of honour / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4924113: Apr. 04, 1954 - New 170 m.p.h. wonder car has trials: Mr. David Brown, head of the David Brown Corporation which turns out luxury cars, farm tractors, gears and machinery introduced a new wonder car to the world yesterday. It will do 170 miles an hour. It will develop 350 horse power and will be a new challenge to Continental cars in sports car races. Mr. Brown who has vast experience of high performance cars and made his first model at the age of 17, made the successful tests. Yesterday, with his new wonder car Lagonda he emerged as Britain's No. 1 racing car personality the only man in the country to command two separate race teams. For he already runs the Aston-Martin team. Now at a cost of £10,000, he is builidng two of the new 12 cyclinder int he 24 hour Le Mans road race in June. Britain will see one at Silversone on May 15, when Reg Parnell will drive it in the International Sports race / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4924199: Apr. 04, 1954 -” We like to take over all dangers to breath in the free air of the west than to go on working under the communistic dictatorship in the Czechoslovakia. Theat had been the first sentence of two corporals of the Czech army who deserted and were interviewed on a press conference yesterday afternoon. Both the 21 years old Vlatislav Sebek (right and the 20 years old Frantisel Tepli (left) crossed the border near Passau and asked the guards of the Bavarian country police for asyl. The bothe soldiers were fit out on their flight by a light machine-gun and a machine-pistol. Now they intend to leave Europe as soon as possible to be safe against the” iron curtain” / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4924297: Apr. 04, 1954 - Mrs. Petrov Decides To Stay In Australia Russians Try To Force Her To Leave: Mrs Evikoya Petrov whose Russian diplomat husband sought sanctuary in Australia - herself accepted political asylum just before the plane on which she was to have travelled to Moscow took off from Darwin. Accompanied by Soviet couriers Mrs. Petrov was practically forced aboard the dmachine at Sydney- inspite of the crowd which gathered around the aircraft. When the machine landed at Darwin. It was announced that Mrs. Petrov had asked to be allowed to stay in Australia - in an interview with the captain of the aircraft. The two couriers were searched and relieved of their firearms She lost one of her shoes in the struggle at the Airport. It has now been announced that Russia has served diplomatic relations with Australia / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4924314: Apr. 04, 1954 - Royal Children in Malta: Lady Mountbatten lends a steadying hand as Princess Anne probes a tempting paddling pool. Elder brother Prince Charles dangles his feet into a pool unaided, but a watchful eye is kept on him by” Uncle Dickie” - Earl Mountbatten. Credit: Popperfoto / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4925208: Apr. 04, 1954 - A rare picture for tourists to Eastern: Deer Feeding: By the unusual high snow on the Eastern Day in Bavarian Mountains the deers are living the mountains to get food in the Valley. Numerous tourists from all parts of Germany had a very seldom view of deer-feeding in April. At this time the deers and chamois avoid the people. Picture shows made in the Berchtesgaden-area, the Ramsau; demonstrated the dramatic of a White Eastern / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4926518: Apr. 08, 1954 - Air hostesses as? spend your holidays in France? Messengers? A group of English air hostesses prior to boarding the plane at Orly Airfield today, each of the hostesses is carrying with her a suitcase containing articles most typical of Paris deluxe production. Each one is modeling a dress specially designed for her, they are to be the? spend your holidays in France? propagandists in various capitals / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4926660: Apr. 11, 1954 - Training for Gliding. At Bonn airport flight captain Hanna Reitsch and world record holder G? nther Haase are training for the world championship gliding competition, which will take place in the middle of England in the summer. They are pictured here (Reitsch in middle and Haase on the right) with flight captain Weber (left) / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4927068: Apr. 20, 1954 - The girl who must be handcuffed to her two boyfriends for a week - To enable Jill Johnson, of Eltham to win a prize in the Radio Luxemburg programme “” People are Funny”” she must decide in one week which of her two boyfriends, 20-year-old John Bingley and 20-year-old Eric Ward, both from Muswell Hill, and at present home on leave from the R.A.F. she will settle down with. To help her decide she must go around with both of them each evening handcuffed to her, and from this unpleasant experience she must choose the one she thinks is most likely to make the best husband / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4927121: Apr. 21, 1954 - Mitri Trains For Turpin Fight: Photo Shows Tiberio Mitri, the Italian champion, seen at punxh bag, during his training art Santamarinella, near Rome, in preparation for his fight agganist Randolph Turpin in Rome on May 2. Turpin's European middleweight title will be at stake / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4927375: Apr. 27, 1954 - Lord Mayor Attends Stow Commemoration Service.. Prizewinner With Her Awards. Sir Noel Bowater the Lord Mayor of London this morning placed a new quill into the hand of the effigy of John Stow Commemoration Service at St. Andrew Undershaft, in the City. It is usual for the Lord Mayor to present the John Stow Memorial Prize of books to the prize winner. Keystone Photo Shows: - Roslyn Ings (17) of the Haberdasher Akes Hatcham Girls' School, New Cross - winner of the John Stow Memorial Prize - poses with her prize in front of the memorial this morning / Bridgeman Images