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Mildred Pierce, Joan Crawford 1945 (film still)
Mildred Pierce, Joan Crawford 1945 (film still)

XRD1716007: Mildred Pierce, Joan Crawford 1945 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

The Killer Elite, James Caan 1975 (film still)
The Killer Elite, James Caan 1975 (film still)

XRD1716017: The Killer Elite, James Caan 1975 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

EL CID, by Anthony Mann, 1961 (film still)
EL CID, by Anthony Mann, 1961 (film still)

XRD1716038: EL CID, by Anthony Mann, 1961 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

La Marseillaise, 1938 (film still)
La Marseillaise, 1938 (film still)

XRD1716051: La Marseillaise, 1938 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

End of Desire, 1958 (film still)
End of Desire, 1958 (film still)

XRD1716057: End of Desire, 1958 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Re-animator, Jeffrey Combs 1985 (film still)
Re-animator, Jeffrey Combs 1985 (film still)

XRD1716065: Re-animator, Jeffrey Combs 1985 (film still) / Bridgeman Images


XRD1716089: DOUBLE AGENTS, (aka NIGHT ENCOUNTER, aka LA NUIT DES ESPIONS), 1959 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Little Voice, Michael Caine and Jane Horrocks , 1998 (film still)
Little Voice, Michael Caine and Jane Horrocks , 1998 (film still)

XRD1716203: Little Voice, Michael Caine and Jane Horrocks , 1998 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

La rose Effeuillee (The Rose Stripped) 1936 (poster)
La rose Effeuillee (The Rose Stripped) 1936 (poster)

XRD1716206: La rose Effeuillee (The Rose Stripped) 1936 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

My Man Godfrey, Carole Lombard, William Powell, 1936 (film still)
My Man Godfrey, Carole Lombard, William Powell, 1936 (film still)

XRD1716222: My Man Godfrey, Carole Lombard, William Powell, 1936 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

The Way West, 1967 (film still)
The Way West, 1967 (film still)

XRD1716224: The Way West, 1967 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

A Gathering of eagles, 1963 (print)
A Gathering of eagles, 1963 (print)

XRD1716258: A Gathering of eagles, 1963 (print) / Bridgeman Images

In the name of the father, 1993 (film still)
In the name of the father, 1993 (film still)

XRD1716275: In the name of the father, 1993 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

The snapper, 1993 (film still)
The snapper, 1993 (film still)

XRD1716294: The snapper, 1993 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Foxes, 1980 (film still)
Foxes, 1980 (film still)

XRD1717095: Foxes, 1980 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Prison sans barreaux (Prison without bars), 1938 (film still)
Prison sans barreaux (Prison without bars), 1938 (film still)

XRD1717107: Prison sans barreaux (Prison without bars), 1938 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Hercules Against the Moon Men, Sergio Ciani 1964 (film still)
Hercules Against the Moon Men, Sergio Ciani 1964 (film still)

XRD1717110: Hercules Against the Moon Men, Sergio Ciani 1964 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

A little bit of heaven, 1940 (print)
A little bit of heaven, 1940 (print)

XRD1717183: A little bit of heaven, 1940 (print) / Bridgeman Images

RICH IN LOVE, 1992 (film still)
RICH IN LOVE, 1992 (film still)

XRD1717187: RICH IN LOVE, 1992 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Hell and High Water, 1954 (film still)
Hell and High Water, 1954 (film still)

XRD1717191: Hell and High Water, 1954 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

A little bit of heaven, 1940 (print)
A little bit of heaven, 1940 (print)

XRD1717343: A little bit of heaven, 1940 (print) / Bridgeman Images

Phone call from a stranger, 1952 (poster)
Phone call from a stranger, 1952 (poster)

XRD1717364: Phone call from a stranger, 1952 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

The Adventures of Hadji Baba, 1954 (fim still)
The Adventures of Hadji Baba, 1954 (fim still)

XRD1717365: The Adventures of Hadji Baba, 1954 (fim still) / Bridgeman Images

Calcutta, Alan Ladd, Gail Russell and June Duprez  1947 (print)
Calcutta, Alan Ladd, Gail Russell and June Duprez  1947 (print)

XRD1717382: Calcutta, Alan Ladd, Gail Russell and June Duprez 1947 (print) / Bridgeman Images

Brief Encounter, Trevor Howard, 1945 (film still)
Brief Encounter, Trevor Howard, 1945 (film still)

XRD1717206: Brief Encounter, Trevor Howard, 1945 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

Cactus, 1986 (poster)
Cactus, 1986 (poster)

XRD1717213: Cactus, 1986 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

Charlie Chan at the opera, Warner Oland, Charlotte Henry 1936 (film still)
Charlie Chan at the opera, Warner Oland, Charlotte Henry 1936 (film still)

XRD1717216: Charlie Chan at the opera, Warner Oland, Charlotte Henry 1936 (film still) / Bridgeman Images

The Man Who Seeks the Truth, 1940 (poster)
The Man Who Seeks the Truth, 1940 (poster)

XRD1717239: The Man Who Seeks the Truth, 1940 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

Hotel des etudiants de ViktorTourjansky avec Lisette Lanvin et Raymond Galle1932
Hotel des etudiants de ViktorTourjansky avec Lisette Lanvin et Raymond Galle1932

XRD1717267: Hotel des etudiants de ViktorTourjansky avec Lisette Lanvin et Raymond Galle1932 / Bridgeman Images

Le mysterieux monsieur Sylvain (The Mysterious Mister Sylvain), 1947 (poster)
Le mysterieux monsieur Sylvain (The Mysterious Mister Sylvain), 1947 (poster)

XRD1717409: Le mysterieux monsieur Sylvain (The Mysterious Mister Sylvain), 1947 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

Detective story, 1951 (print)
Detective story, 1951 (print)

XRD1717430: Detective story, 1951 (print) / Bridgeman Images

We were strangers ,  1949 (poster)
We were strangers ,  1949 (poster)

XRD1717473: We were strangers , 1949 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

Bascomb il mancino (bad bascomb ) , 1946 (poster)
Bascomb il mancino (bad bascomb ) , 1946 (poster)

XRD1717509: Bascomb il mancino (bad bascomb ) , 1946 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

L'aventure est a l'ouest (The Great Sioux Uprising) 1953 (poster)
L'aventure est a l'ouest (The Great Sioux Uprising) 1953 (poster)

XRD1717537: L'aventure est a l'ouest (The Great Sioux Uprising) 1953 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date, 1941 (print)
The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date, 1941 (print)

XRD1717539: The Lone Wolf Keeps a Date, 1941 (print) / Bridgeman Images

La louve de Calabre (She-Wolf, aka The Devil Is A Woman),  1952 (poster)
La louve de Calabre (She-Wolf, aka The Devil Is A Woman),  1952 (poster)

XRD1717586: La louve de Calabre (She-Wolf, aka The Devil Is A Woman), 1952 (poster) / Bridgeman Images

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