PIX4606121: Lunar rover Lunokhod 2 - Moon rover Lunokhod 2 - This rover sent to the Moon during the sovietic mission Luna 21 travelled 37 km to the surface of the Moon from January to June 1973. This automated lunar rover was sent to the Moon's surface during the soviet “” Luna - 21”” mission. It worked for 5 days, starting on January 16, 1973. it covered 37 km on the Moon's surface / Bridgeman Images
XRA1642379: General Strikes Launched By Veterans and Demonstrations in Algiers in Favour of French Algeria May 14, 1958 : Among The Demonstrators, Note The Banner of The Chiffalo Veterans, at The Time of The Creation of National Salvation Committee Led By Generalmassu and Generalsalan, during The War in Algeria (photo) / Bridgeman Images