YOU4419791: Facade of the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Florence, religious architecture of Italian Renaissance style, built in the 15th century by Filippo Brunelleschi (1337-1446), on the site of a church consecrated in 393 by St. Ambrose of Milan, Facade originally planned by Michel Ange remains unfinished, The ensemble of monastic architectures includes the chapels and the Laurentian Biblioteca Medicea Laurenziana, designed by Michel Ange. Photography, KIM Youngtae, Florence, Tuscany, Italy. / Bridgeman Images
PIX4590972: Constellation of the Great Dog - Constellation of Canis Major - Sirius, the bright star on this image is the brightest star in the sky. Canis Major (the Greater Dog) is one of two dogs accompanying Orion the hunter across the sky. The other is Canis Minor. The constellation figure is ancient, and was one of 48 constellations mentioned by Ptolemy (83 - 161 AD), no doubt reflecting earlier ideas. The modern stick figure joining the brightest stars (above) certainly has a very doggy appearance. The brightest star in the sky is here, Sirius, the Dog Star, so called because its emanations were thought to affect dogs in the heat of summer, the 'Dog Days' when the star is in the same part of the sky as the Sun. Sirius is bright because it is only 8.6 light years from the Sun and it is in any case it is an intrinsically bright star, 25 times more luminous than the Sun / Bridgeman Images
ETE4922070: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Near Santa Catarina (Sicily) Italy around 22 July 1943: General Omar Bradley (CG of the Second US Corps) studies maps with General Terry de la Mesa Allen (CG of the 1st US Division). In the center, an officer was “gouache”” by censorship maybe a U.S. intelligence officer. / Bridgeman Images
PIX4623483: Star HD 189733 and nebula planetary Dumbbell (M27) - A star field with HD 189733 and Dumbell nebula - Image centree on the star HD 189733 located 63 years ago - light in the constellation Petite Fox. Astronomers discovered around this star an exoplanet (HD 189733b). This gas planet a little bigger than Jupiter is very close to its star; this type of planet is called hot Jupiter. We detected the presence of mists in his atmosphere. To the right of this star is the planetary nebula Dumbbell (M27) located about 1400 years from Earth. A planetary nebula is a gas shell from a small late-life star whose heart collapsed to become a white dwarf and expelled the outer layers of its matter. A star field image showing the star HD 189733 (centre) with Dumbell nebula. Orbiting close to its parent star, is an extrasolar planet, HD 189733b, a 'hot - Jupiter' type of gas giant slightly larger than Jupiter. The observations provide clear evidence of the presence of hazes in its atmosphere. To the right of the star is the notable planetary nebula Messier 27. The Dumbbell Nebula (M27, NGC6853), is a planetary nebula located about 1400 light years from the earth in the constellation of Vulpecula. The nebula was formed when an evolved, red giant star ejected its outer envelope near the end of its lifetime / Bridgeman Images