View of the pulpit, with St. Jerome and St. Augustine of Hippo, Church of St. Margaret, Burnham Norton, Norfolk, UK (photo) (see also 443890 to 443898) / Bridgeman Images
Letter from Richard Cromwell to George Monck, reporting that his 'present exigencies' were forcing him to 'retire into hiding places to avoid arrest for debts contracted on the public account' and asking for help, April 18, 1660 (pen and ink on paper) / Bridgeman Images
Affectionate letter from Charles II to his sister, Henrietta Anne, written in French at Canterbury, the day after his arrival at Dover, 26 May, 1660 (pen & ink on paper) / Bridgeman Images
Letter from Louis XIV to Mary of Modena, congratulating her on the birth of a prince, James Edward, Prince of Wales, (afterwards known as the Old Pretender), written at Versailles, 24 June, 1688 (pen & ink on paper) / Bridgeman Images