Richard Burton Actor with wife Susan
And friends Luisa Moore actor Roger Moore Hardy Kruger and girlfriend Anita Parkes, 1977 / Bridgeman Images
Kenneth Lee, with a rescued greyhound, looking at the damage caused by a fire at his kennels in Hawkes Mill Lane, Hawkes End. Five greyhounds were rescued by neighbours as Mr Lee was away at the time. 29th July 1972. / Bridgeman Images
Filming of Pygmalion, directed by Anthony Asquith and Leslie Howard, at Pinewood Studios, London, England, 20th March 1938. Our picture shows, Covent Garden workers who are appearing in Pygmalion, pictured on set. / Bridgeman Images
Filming of Pygmalion, directed by Anthony Asquith and Leslie Howard, at at Pinewood Studios, London, England, 20th March 1938. Willy Clifton aged 65, a musician / Bridgeman Images
Filming of Pygmalion, directed by Anthony Asquith and Leslie Howard, at at Pinewood Studios, London, England, 20th March 1938. Jack May who plays Coster Lawther & jockey roles. / Bridgeman Images
Filming of King of the Damned, directed by Walter Forde, at Gaumont British Northolt Studios, London, England, 1st July 1935. / Bridgeman Images