Alfred Brendel Austrian pianist born in 1931 during a reharsal at Montpellier with the Orchestra of Montpellier - 07 1983 / Bridgeman Images
Alfred Brendel Austrian pianist born in 1931 during a reharsal at Montpellier with the Orchestra of Montpellier - 07 1983 / Bridgeman Images
Nelson Freire - Brazilian pianist born in 1944, sitting by the piano. In rehearsal with the Orchestre National de France- 1999 / Bridgeman Images
Nelson Freire - Brazilian pianist born in 1944, sitting by the piano. In rehearsal with the Orchestre National de FranceParis 2000 / Bridgeman Images
Nikolaï Lugansky - Russian pianist born in 1972 - Reharsing at the Théatre des Champs Elysées withe l'Orchestre National de France - Paris 2003 / Bridgeman Images
Nikolaï Lugansky - Russian pianist born in 1972 - Reharsing at the Théatre des Champs Elysées withe l'Orchestre National de France - Paris 2003 / Bridgeman Images