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Annees 1980 le comedien et humouriste italien Beppe Grillo. Photographie
Annees 1980 le comedien et humouriste italien Beppe Grillo. Photographie

OLA5338275: Annees 1980 le comedien et humouriste italien Beppe Grillo. Photographie / Bridgeman Images

Vue nocturne d'une ville, avec immeubles et tours de banlieue, une silhouette d'homme, mysterieux et suspect, probablement un detective enquetant ou un malfaiteur s'appretant a commettre un crime cree une ambiance angoissante rappelant les thrillers et film a suspense americains, 1958 Photographie (Night view of a city, probably in suburbs, a mysterious and suspicious man silhouette probably a detective investigating or a gangster about to commit a crime creates a frightening atmosphere reminiscent of thrillers and Suspense Movies)
Vue nocturne d'une ville, avec immeubles et tours de banlieue, une silhouette d'homme, mysterieux et suspect, probablement un detective enquetant ou un malfaiteur s'appretant a commettre un crime cree une ambiance angoissante rappelant les thrillers et film a suspense americains, 1958 Photographie (Night view of a city, probably in suburbs, a mysterious and suspicious man silhouette probably a detective investigating or a gangster about to commit a crime creates a frightening atmosphere reminiscent of thrillers and Suspense Movies)

OLA5338282: Vue nocturne d'une ville, avec immeubles et tours de banlieue, une silhouette d'homme, mysterieux et suspect, probablement un detective enquetant ou un malfaiteur s'appretant a commettre un crime cree une ambiance angoissante rappelant les thrillers et film a suspense americains, 1958 Photographie (Night view of a city, probably in suburbs, a mysterious and suspicious man silhouette probably a detective investigating or a gangster about to commit a crime creates a frightening atmosphere reminiscent of thrillers and Suspense Movies) / Bridgeman Images

1989  Amanda Lear (Amanda Tapp)
1989  Amanda Lear (Amanda Tapp)

OLA5338317: 1989 Amanda Lear (Amanda Tapp) / Bridgeman Images

Genova, 1934
Nella foto: Giuseppe Volpi Conte di Misurata (1877-1947) (Presidente di Confindustria) (in centro) fotografato con un gruppo di industriali genovesi durante la sua visita in citta
@ArchivioAgosto/AF [1002498]
Genova, 1934
Nella foto: Giuseppe Volpi Conte di Misurata (1877-1947) (Presidente di Confindustria) (in centro) fotografato con un gruppo di industriali genovesi durante la sua visita in citta
@ArchivioAgosto/AF [1002498]

OLA5338329: Genova, 1934 Nella foto: Giuseppe Volpi Conte di Misurata (1877-1947) (Presidente di Confindustria) (in centro) fotografato con un gruppo di industriali genovesi durante la sua visita in citta @ArchivioAgosto/AF [1002498] / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963
Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963

OLA5338346: Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963 / Bridgeman Images

Giugno 1934
Nella foto: Vittorio Cini (1885-1977) con il figlio Giorgio e la moglie Lyda Borelli (1884-1959) a bordo del piroscafo Vienna in navigazione
@ArchivioAgosto/AF [1001883]
Giugno 1934
Nella foto: Vittorio Cini (1885-1977) con il figlio Giorgio e la moglie Lyda Borelli (1884-1959) a bordo del piroscafo Vienna in navigazione
@ArchivioAgosto/AF [1001883]

OLA5338353: Giugno 1934 Nella foto: Vittorio Cini (1885-1977) con il figlio Giorgio e la moglie Lyda Borelli (1884-1959) a bordo del piroscafo Vienna in navigazione @ArchivioAgosto/AF [1001883] / Bridgeman Images

le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1932
le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1932

OLA5338355: le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1932 / Bridgeman Images

le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1931
le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1931

OLA5338363: le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1931 / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963
Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963

OLA5338364: Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963 / Bridgeman Images

le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1931
le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1931

OLA5338365: le pape Pie XI (1857-1939) en voiture (Pope Pius (Pio) XI on a car) 1931 / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963
Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963

OLA5338370: Portrait of Mireille Darc (born Mireille Aigroz) 15/10/1963 / Bridgeman Images

Innsbruck (Tirolo - Austria), Febbraio 1964

IX Giochi olimpici invernali - Inaugurazione

Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni), capitano della squadra dell'Iran
Innsbruck (Tirolo - Austria), Febbraio 1964

IX Giochi olimpici invernali - Inaugurazione

Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni), capitano della squadra dell'Iran

OLA5338373: Innsbruck (Tirolo - Austria), Febbraio 1964 IX Giochi olimpici invernali - Inaugurazione Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni), capitano della squadra dell'Iran / Bridgeman Images

Monte Carlo (Principato di Monaco), Agosto 1960
Gran Galˆ allo Sporting d'EtŽ
Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) e la moglie Begum Salima (Sarah Francis Crocher-Poole)
Monte Carlo (Principato di Monaco), Agosto 1960
Gran Galˆ allo Sporting d'EtŽ
Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) e la moglie Begum Salima (Sarah Francis Crocher-Poole)

OLA5338374: Monte Carlo (Principato di Monaco), Agosto 1960 Gran Galˆ allo Sporting d'EtŽ Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) e la moglie Begum Salima (Sarah Francis Crocher-Poole) / Bridgeman Images

Ginevra (Svizzera), 12/07/1957
Nella foto: Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) fotografato dopo essere divenuto Imam dei musulmani Ismailiti Nizariti in seguito alla morte nel nonno
Ginevra (Svizzera), 12/07/1957
Nella foto: Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) fotografato dopo essere divenuto Imam dei musulmani Ismailiti Nizariti in seguito alla morte nel nonno

OLA5338387: Ginevra (Svizzera), 12/07/1957 Nella foto: Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) fotografato dopo essere divenuto Imam dei musulmani Ismailiti Nizariti in seguito alla morte nel nonno / Bridgeman Images

Emerald Coast, Anni 60, Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) (photo)
Emerald Coast, Anni 60, Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) (photo)

OLA5338390: Emerald Coast, Anni 60, Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Milan, Octobre 1950 travaux de recontruction des Grands magasins de la Rinascente -
Milan, Octobre 1950 travaux de recontruction des Grands magasins de la Rinascente -

OLA5338391: Milan, Octobre 1950 travaux de recontruction des Grands magasins de la Rinascente - / Bridgeman Images

Milan, annees 1960 clients dans les rayons des grands magasins La rinascente
Milan, annees 1960 clients dans les rayons des grands magasins La rinascente

OLA5338393: Milan, annees 1960 clients dans les rayons des grands magasins La rinascente / Bridgeman Images

Gstaad (Svizzera), 30/12/1957
Nella foto: Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni)
Gstaad (Svizzera), 30/12/1957
Nella foto: Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni)

OLA5338400: Gstaad (Svizzera), 30/12/1957 Nella foto: Karim Aga Khan IV (Karim al-Husayni) / Bridgeman Images

Spence the 'blanket man' managed to raise a laugh at Birkenhead Market. That was quite an achievement among traders shocked by a 50 percent drop in business on their first Saturday trading since part of the market was destroyed by fire. Wirral, Merseyside, 22nd February 1969 (b/w photo)
Spence the 'blanket man' managed to raise a laugh at Birkenhead Market. That was quite an achievement among traders shocked by a 50 percent drop in business on their first Saturday trading since part of the market was destroyed by fire. Wirral, Merseyside, 22nd February 1969 (b/w photo)

MPX5159862: Spence the 'blanket man' managed to raise a laugh at Birkenhead Market. That was quite an achievement among traders shocked by a 50 percent drop in business on their first Saturday trading since part of the market was destroyed by fire. Wirral, Merseyside, 22nd February 1969 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Duran Duran, Music Group, 20th July 1983 (b/w photo)
Duran Duran, Music Group, 20th July 1983 (b/w photo)

MPX5160002: Duran Duran, Music Group, 20th July 1983 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

A workman perched above the maddening crowds, takes a lunchtime snooze in the warm October sun in the centre of Leeds, while shoppers walk past below. Leeds, West Yorkshire, 18th October 1962 (b/w photo)
A workman perched above the maddening crowds, takes a lunchtime snooze in the warm October sun in the centre of Leeds, while shoppers walk past below. Leeds, West Yorkshire, 18th October 1962 (b/w photo)

MPX5159871: A workman perched above the maddening crowds, takes a lunchtime snooze in the warm October sun in the centre of Leeds, while shoppers walk past below. Leeds, West Yorkshire, 18th October 1962 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Duran Duran, Music Group, 20th July 1983 (b/w photo)
Duran Duran, Music Group, 20th July 1983 (b/w photo)

MPX5160013: Duran Duran, Music Group, 20th July 1983 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Manchester City 1-0 Leicester City, FA Cup Final, Wembley Stadium, London, Saturday 26th April 1969 (photo)
Manchester City 1-0 Leicester City, FA Cup Final, Wembley Stadium, London, Saturday 26th April 1969 (photo)

MPX5159875: Manchester City 1-0 Leicester City, FA Cup Final, Wembley Stadium, London, Saturday 26th April 1969 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Photo-call, A View to a Kill, new James Bond film, starring actresses Grace Jones and Tanya Roberts, with theme tune by music group Duran Duran, 13th June 1985 (b/w photo)
Photo-call, A View to a Kill, new James Bond film, starring actresses Grace Jones and Tanya Roberts, with theme tune by music group Duran Duran, 13th June 1985 (b/w photo)

MPX5160037: Photo-call, A View to a Kill, new James Bond film, starring actresses Grace Jones and Tanya Roberts, with theme tune by music group Duran Duran, 13th June 1985 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Photo-call, A View to a Kill, new James Bond film, starring actress Tanya Roberts, with theme tune by music group Duran Duran, 13th June 1985 (b/w photo)
Photo-call, A View to a Kill, new James Bond film, starring actress Tanya Roberts, with theme tune by music group Duran Duran, 13th June 1985 (b/w photo)

MPX5160038: Photo-call, A View to a Kill, new James Bond film, starring actress Tanya Roberts, with theme tune by music group Duran Duran, 13th June 1985 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo)
Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo)

MPX5160041: Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Rolf Harris, drawing sketches as he entertains children at Albert Dock, Liverpool, 13th July 1986 (b/w photo)
Rolf Harris, drawing sketches as he entertains children at Albert Dock, Liverpool, 13th July 1986 (b/w photo)

MPX5159893: Rolf Harris, drawing sketches as he entertains children at Albert Dock, Liverpool, 13th July 1986 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Stockton Market in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham. 17th March 1968 (b/w photo)
Stockton Market in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham. 17th March 1968 (b/w photo)

MPX5159894: Stockton Market in Stockton-on-Tees, County Durham. 17th March 1968 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo)
Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo)

MPX5160046: Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo)
Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo)

MPX5160047: Duran Duran, music group, 7th August 1981 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Duran Duran, music group, The Rio Tour, December 1982 (b/w photo)
Duran Duran, music group, The Rio Tour, December 1982 (b/w photo)

MPX5160053: Duran Duran, music group, The Rio Tour, December 1982 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Garston Carnival, Liverpool, Merseyside, 2nd July 1988 (b/w photo)
Garston Carnival, Liverpool, Merseyside, 2nd July 1988 (b/w photo)

MPX5159900: Garston Carnival, Liverpool, Merseyside, 2nd July 1988 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Earthbeat, Music Festival, Sefton Park, Liverpool, 15th August 1988 (b/w photo)
Earthbeat, Music Festival, Sefton Park, Liverpool, 15th August 1988 (b/w photo)

MPX5159910: Earthbeat, Music Festival, Sefton Park, Liverpool, 15th August 1988 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Stockton Racecourse (September 1855 - 16 June 1981), also known as Teesside Park. Monkey Nut (centre) leads over the third fence in the novices chase at Teesside Park, but it was Tommy Stack on Infantryman (left) who passed the post first ahead of Swanky Guide (right). Monkey Nut went back into his shell to finish last of the five runners. 26th November 1976 (b/w photo)
Stockton Racecourse (September 1855 - 16 June 1981), also known as Teesside Park. Monkey Nut (centre) leads over the third fence in the novices chase at Teesside Park, but it was Tommy Stack on Infantryman (left) who passed the post first ahead of Swanky Guide (right). Monkey Nut went back into his shell to finish last of the five runners. 26th November 1976 (b/w photo)

MPX5159911: Stockton Racecourse (September 1855 - 16 June 1981), also known as Teesside Park. Monkey Nut (centre) leads over the third fence in the novices chase at Teesside Park, but it was Tommy Stack on Infantryman (left) who passed the post first ahead of Swanky Guide (right). Monkey Nut went back into his shell to finish last of the five runners. 26th November 1976 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Mike McGear of Pop Group Scaffold, January 1968 (b/w photo)
Mike McGear of Pop Group Scaffold, January 1968 (b/w photo)

MPX5159912: Mike McGear of Pop Group Scaffold, January 1968 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

HM Submarine Revenge was launched at Cammell Lairds in Birkenhead, Merseyside yesterday. 18th March 1968 (b/w photo)
HM Submarine Revenge was launched at Cammell Lairds in Birkenhead, Merseyside yesterday. 18th March 1968 (b/w photo)

MPX5159922: HM Submarine Revenge was launched at Cammell Lairds in Birkenhead, Merseyside yesterday. 18th March 1968 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

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