MPX5136715: Christening of nine month old Berenice Ann Cooper, daughter of singer Joe Brown's manager, at All saints church in Woodford Green, Essex. Picture shows: Joe Brown holding the baby with left to right: Peter Flee Rekker, Johnny kidd, Tommy Bruce, Mike Preston, Vince Eager and marty Wilde. 3rd February 1963 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5136840: "What a whopper!" says Jimmy Clitheroe as he admires a giant Easter egg that was handed over to the children's ward at Gulton Hospital, Coventry. the egg, weighing 28lbs., was presented by Owen Owen (Coventry) Ltd. and made by Van Houten Ltd. Jimmy is currently appearing in "The Spring Show" at Coventry Theatre. 28th March 1964 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images