Italian actress Sophia Loren, wearing a tailleur with a bow, holding an umbrella because of the pouring rain, standing on a water taxi passing under Rialto bridge, Venice, 1955 / Bridgeman Images
Italian actress Sophia Loren sitting among the audience at the Venice Movie festival, talking to Elsa Maxwell, Lido, Venice, 1958 : Talking To Elsa Maxwell / Bridgeman Images
French actress Myriam Bru, wearing a swimming suit and a foulard in her hair, reading a book portayed while sitting on the Lido beach, Venice, 1958 / Bridgeman Images
American actor Burt Lancaster, portrayed from behind, wearing a tuxedo and a bow tie and reading a letter, sitting on a gondola stationary among other gondolas, Venice 1962 / Bridgeman Images
American writer Truman Persons 'Capote', wearing turtle glasses, standing next to a shellfish and fish tray, wearing a white shirt and velvet trousers, Venice 1951 / Bridgeman Images