ZUM4940742: Aug. 24, 1954 - 24,8,54 Preview of the National Radio Show. This set cost, without valves, about 6d. - Private Paula Sargeant of Leeds, seen with a desert wireless, which cost about 6d to make less the valves photographed at the preview of the National Radio Show which opens at Earls Court tomorrow. This exhibit shows how under extreme conditions a working wireless set may be improvised with the use of very few factory-made wireless parts. Some of the components of the set are made from pencil lead, cigarette and chocolate packets, tea-spoon, barbed wire and an empty tin can / Bridgeman Images
ETE4940930: Near Suippes (Marne) France 6 June 1945: Near Camp Baltimore of the US Army, where American soldiers waiting for their redeployment to the Pacific theatre of operations, two members of the Signal Corps set up a telephone line between the headquarters of Reims and the camp / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4940931: Sep. 07, 1954 - President of the Federal Office of Employment and Unemployment, Mr. Scheuble (middle) and the president of the International Association of Professional Orientation Prof. Lobet (of Brussels) are being shown the glass engraving of a young glass cutter. They are in Bonn for a congress on the status of young workers in Europe. Politicians from all over the continent came to speak on youth employment / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4941711: Radio - Sep. 09, 1954 - Air-Sea search for all-alone channels swim man: A great air-sea search was going on in the roughening Channel Early today for a man reported in the sea off the Goodwin's - nearly 22 hours after Mr. Edward May started his lone Channel swim from Cap Gris-Nez. Some coast watchers feared that of nine children, was exhausted and that he was clinging to his Rubber-tyre raft, on which are food, drink and compassed. In her council house at dart ford, Kent, Mrs. Florence May, 43, waited for news with seven of her children / Bridgeman Images
ETE4941753: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Near Suippes (Marne) France June 10, 1945: At Camp Boston where American soldiers waiting to return to the United States or redeploy to the Pacific theatre of operations, these members of the 566th Port Co unload the equipment before settling in the camp. This company is made up of African Americans / Bridgeman Images