MPX5069469: Former British Heavywight Boxing Champion Henry Cooper today had his first gym work-out since his cartilage operation at the Thomas A Beckett Gymnasium in the Old Kent Road. Henry plans to make his comeback to the ring at the Wembley Pool in March. He has been doing exercises at Arsenal to build up his knee which he injured when training for a fight / Bridgeman Images
MPX5070254: While you are having a long lie-in on Christmas morning, Professor Shyamsundar Goswamy, sixty-year-old Indian Yogi, will be up at 5 a.m. So also will forty-nine-year-old Dr. Dinabandhu Pramanick, whom the professor introduces as "my best pupil and chief assistant." There will be no over-heavy Christmas breakfast to start their day. For, after they have done their Yoga abdominal exercises, dressed in imitation leopard skin trunks, they will both stand on their heads for thirty to forty minutes in complete silence. December 1950 P013259 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5070274: Entertainment Film. Science Fiction series being made for ATV by Century 21 Productions. (Century 21 is Gerry and Sylvia Anderson who made the very successful puppet series, Thunderbirds, Captain Scarlet, etc). There will be seventeen epidoses, and the budget is £100,000 per episode. For a change there is no American money in the production. The story is basically about S.H.A.D.O. (Supreme Headquarters Alien Defence Organisation), a sort of United Nations of the space age, against the mysterious aliens in their UFO's. (Unidentified Flying Objects) to the uninitiated. Our Picture Shows: Actresses on the Moon base set. October 1969 Z10450-003 / Bridgeman Images
MPX5070394: Entertainment Television Cartoons Humour. Walt Disney characters who are travelling round the country, today left their van at Watford Junction and travelled to Euston by train. As Winnie the Pooh was too fat to enter the normal passenger carriage, they has to make the journey in the guards van. On arrival at Euston they were met by the station manager's shorthand typists, 19 year old twins, Diana and her sister Susan Wheatley, (left to right) Winnie the Pooh, Susan in the arms of Heffalump Tigger, and Diana Wheatley. November 1969 Z11187-002 / Bridgeman Images