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Teen girl and boy has a decoree window, Egypt.
Teen girl and boy has a decoree window, Egypt.

THT4307703: Teen girl and boy has a decoree window, Egypt. / Bridgeman Images

LOUXOR: Left bank of the NIL, boatman and transport felouques.
LOUXOR: Left bank of the NIL, boatman and transport felouques.

THT4305236: LOUXOR: Left bank of the NIL, boatman and transport felouques. / Bridgeman Images

Denderah: Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor. The Mammisi and view of the Nile Valley flooded in 1968.
Denderah: Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor. The Mammisi and view of the Nile Valley flooded in 1968.

THT4304813: Denderah: Ptolemaic Temple of Hathor. The Mammisi and view of the Nile Valley flooded in 1968. / Bridgeman Images

CAIRO: Great mosque Al AHZAR.
CAIRO: Great mosque Al AHZAR.

THT4304861: CAIRO: Great mosque Al AHZAR. / Bridgeman Images

OUADI NATROUN: Coptic Christian monastery DEIR SOURIANI. Cupola of the Chapel: Scene of the Nativity.
OUADI NATROUN: Coptic Christian monastery DEIR SOURIANI. Cupola of the Chapel: Scene of the Nativity.

THT4304895: OUADI NATROUN: Coptic Christian monastery DEIR SOURIANI. Cupola of the Chapel: Scene of the Nativity. / Bridgeman Images

Suez region: Coptic Christian monastery of St Paul.
Suez region: Coptic Christian monastery of St Paul.

THT4304897: Suez region: Coptic Christian monastery of St Paul. / Bridgeman Images

Region of SUEZ: Coptic Christian monastery SAINT ANTOINE. dome of the chapel. 5, 6th century.
Region of SUEZ: Coptic Christian monastery SAINT ANTOINE. dome of the chapel. 5, 6th century.

THT4304922: Region of SUEZ: Coptic Christian monastery SAINT ANTOINE. dome of the chapel. 5, 6th century. / Bridgeman Images

ESNAH: Entrment of the Coptic Christian monastery DEIR CHOHADA (6 - 9 th century).
ESNAH: Entrment of the Coptic Christian monastery DEIR CHOHADA (6 - 9 th century).

THT4304962: ESNAH: Entrment of the Coptic Christian monastery DEIR CHOHADA (6 - 9 th century). / Bridgeman Images

Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. Funeral and Votive Temple of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT. 18th Dynasty.
Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. Funeral and Votive Temple of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT. 18th Dynasty.

THT4304967: Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. Funeral and Votive Temple of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT. 18th Dynasty. / Bridgeman Images

Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. Temple of Amon in Karnak, sunset over the Sacred Lake and the pylons.
Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. Temple of Amon in Karnak, sunset over the Sacred Lake and the pylons.

THT4305039: Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. Temple of Amon in Karnak, sunset over the Sacred Lake and the pylons. / Bridgeman Images

Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. MEDINET-HABOU: votive and funeral temple of Ramsés III, south coast, 20th Dynasty.
Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. MEDINET-HABOU: votive and funeral temple of Ramsés III, south coast, 20th Dynasty.

THT4305051: Luxor - Thebes: right bank of the Nile. MEDINET-HABOU: votive and funeral temple of Ramsés III, south coast, 20th Dynasty. / Bridgeman Images

Luxor, Thebes: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK, West Ensign Court: Monumental Column of TAHARQA.
Luxor, Thebes: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK, West Ensign Court: Monumental Column of TAHARQA.

THT4305100: Luxor, Thebes: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK, West Ensign Court: Monumental Column of TAHARQA. / Bridgeman Images

LOUXOR - THEBES: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK. From the hypostyle room: obelisk of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT and sanctuary of the Sacree Boat (18th Dynasty)
LOUXOR - THEBES: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK. From the hypostyle room: obelisk of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT and sanctuary of the Sacree Boat (18th Dynasty)

THT4305121: LOUXOR - THEBES: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK. From the hypostyle room: obelisk of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT and sanctuary of the Sacree Boat (18th Dynasty) / Bridgeman Images

Luxor, Thebes: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK, column of TAHARQA, 2nd pylon, entrance to the hypostyle room, and obelisk of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT.
Luxor, Thebes: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK, column of TAHARQA, 2nd pylon, entrance to the hypostyle room, and obelisk of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT.

THT4305126: Luxor, Thebes: Right bank of the NIL. Temple of AMON in KARNAK, column of TAHARQA, 2nd pylon, entrance to the hypostyle room, and obelisk of Queen HATSCHEPSOUT. / Bridgeman Images

Saqqara: Sacred and funeral enclosure of King Djoser (= Zoser or Djeser). Internal courtyard and PYRAMIDE a degree built by Imhotep. (FORMER EMPIRE)
Saqqara: Sacred and funeral enclosure of King Djoser (= Zoser or Djeser). Internal courtyard and PYRAMIDE a degree built by Imhotep. (FORMER EMPIRE)

THT4305166: Saqqara: Sacred and funeral enclosure of King Djoser (= Zoser or Djeser). Internal courtyard and PYRAMIDE a degree built by Imhotep. (FORMER EMPIRE) / Bridgeman Images

Saqqara (Sakkara): Burial enclosure of King Djoser (= Zoser or Djeser). Pyramid has degres built by Imhotep and column of the entrance portico. (FORMER EMPIRE)
Saqqara (Sakkara): Burial enclosure of King Djoser (= Zoser or Djeser). Pyramid has degres built by Imhotep and column of the entrance portico. (FORMER EMPIRE)

THT4305169: Saqqara (Sakkara): Burial enclosure of King Djoser (= Zoser or Djeser). Pyramid has degres built by Imhotep and column of the entrance portico. (FORMER EMPIRE) / Bridgeman Images

GUIZEH: The great SPHINX of King Khephren (= Chephrenn), from front in the morning.
GUIZEH: The great SPHINX of King Khephren (= Chephrenn), from front in the morning.

THT4305181: GUIZEH: The great SPHINX of King Khephren (= Chephrenn), from front in the morning. / Bridgeman Images

GUIZEH: The great SPHINX of King Khephren (= Chephrenn), (Old Empire), in the morning.
GUIZEH: The great SPHINX of King Khephren (= Chephrenn), (Old Empire), in the morning.

THT4305183: GUIZEH: The great SPHINX of King Khephren (= Chephrenn), (Old Empire), in the morning. / Bridgeman Images

Upper Egypt: Denderah. Last flooding of the valley before the end of the construction of the Aswan High Dam. Photo taken in 1968.
Upper Egypt: Denderah. Last flooding of the valley before the end of the construction of the Aswan High Dam. Photo taken in 1968.

THT4304799: Upper Egypt: Denderah. Last flooding of the valley before the end of the construction of the Aswan High Dam. Photo taken in 1968. / Bridgeman Images

CAIRE: Archaeological Museum. Treasure of ALL ANKH AMON, golden funeral mask. 18th Dynasty
CAIRE: Archaeological Museum. Treasure of ALL ANKH AMON, golden funeral mask. 18th Dynasty

THT4304827: CAIRE: Archaeological Museum. Treasure of ALL ANKH AMON, golden funeral mask. 18th Dynasty / Bridgeman Images

Luxor, Thebes: Temple of AMON in KARNAK. Entrance to the hypostyle room. TAHARQA column and RAMSES II colossus. Sunset sun.
Luxor, Thebes: Temple of AMON in KARNAK. Entrance to the hypostyle room. TAHARQA column and RAMSES II colossus. Sunset sun.

THT4304890: Luxor, Thebes: Temple of AMON in KARNAK. Entrance to the hypostyle room. TAHARQA column and RAMSES II colossus. Sunset sun. / Bridgeman Images

Luxor, Thebes: Left bank of the NIL. RAMESSEUM (Ramasseum): Funeral and Votive Temple of RAMSES II. 19th Dynasty.
Luxor, Thebes: Left bank of the NIL. RAMESSEUM (Ramasseum): Funeral and Votive Temple of RAMSES II. 19th Dynasty.

THT4304904: Luxor, Thebes: Left bank of the NIL. RAMESSEUM (Ramasseum): Funeral and Votive Temple of RAMSES II. 19th Dynasty. / Bridgeman Images

Poster May 1968 - Poster, May 68: DDR - CCCP (GDR and USSR, symbolises on military helmets, face to face.) Russian poster, 60x80 cm
Poster May 1968 - Poster, May 68: DDR - CCCP (GDR and USSR, symbolises on military helmets, face to face.) Russian poster, 60x80 cm

OUC4366382: Poster May 1968 - Poster, May 68: DDR - CCCP (GDR and USSR, symbolises on military helmets, face to face.) Russian poster, 60x80 cm / Bridgeman Images

Prague Spring 1968 - Prague Spring - poster during the Russian repression of August 1968 - Is that heroism?
Prague Spring 1968 - Prague Spring - poster during the Russian repression of August 1968 - Is that heroism?

OUC4366411: Prague Spring 1968 - Prague Spring - poster during the Russian repression of August 1968 - Is that heroism? / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Prague Spring 1968 - Prague Spring - poster during the Russian repression of August 1968 - Let's be strong! - Yeah.
Prague Spring 1968 - Prague Spring - poster during the Russian repression of August 1968 - Let's be strong! - Yeah.

OUC4366414: Prague Spring 1968 - Prague Spring - poster during the Russian repression of August 1968 - Let's be strong! - Yeah. / Private Collection / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Norbert Prangenberg, German sculptor. Opening of the exhibition Norbert Prangenberg. Galerie Karsten Greve in Paris on September 9, 2006.
Portrait of Norbert Prangenberg, German sculptor. Opening of the exhibition Norbert Prangenberg. Galerie Karsten Greve in Paris on September 9, 2006.

LUN4366456: Portrait of Norbert Prangenberg, German sculptor. Opening of the exhibition Norbert Prangenberg. Galerie Karsten Greve in Paris on September 9, 2006. / Bridgeman Images

Time marks. Abstract art showing forms on a wall as a witness of passing time. Photography by Michel Lunardelli.
Time marks. Abstract art showing forms on a wall as a witness of passing time. Photography by Michel Lunardelli.

LUN4366458: Time marks. Abstract art showing forms on a wall as a witness of passing time. Photography by Michel Lunardelli. / Bridgeman Images

Time marks. Abstract art showing forms as a witness of passing time. Photography by Michel Lunardelli.
Time marks. Abstract art showing forms as a witness of passing time. Photography by Michel Lunardelli.

LUN4366470: Time marks. Abstract art showing forms as a witness of passing time. Photography by Michel Lunardelli. / Bridgeman Images

Time marks. Abstract art showing forms as a witness of passing time. Traces on wood. Photography by Michel Lunardelli.
Time marks. Abstract art showing forms as a witness of passing time. Traces on wood. Photography by Michel Lunardelli.

LUN4366519: Time marks. Abstract art showing forms as a witness of passing time. Traces on wood. Photography by Michel Lunardelli. / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Barbara Canepa, Italian scenarist. 34th International Cartoon Festival in Angouleme 2007.
Portrait of Barbara Canepa, Italian scenarist. 34th International Cartoon Festival in Angouleme 2007.

LUN4366565: Portrait of Barbara Canepa, Italian scenarist. 34th International Cartoon Festival in Angouleme 2007. / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography
Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography

REN4385794: Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography
Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography

REN4385799: Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography
Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography

REN4385801: Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography
Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography

REN4385806: Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher, in 2010 - Portrait of Nicolas Danziger, neurologist and researcher - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Lionel Coudron, French doctor and yoga teacher, in 2008 - Portrait of Lionel Coudron, doctor and yoga teacher, 2008 - Photography
Portrait of Lionel Coudron, French doctor and yoga teacher, in 2008 - Portrait of Lionel Coudron, doctor and yoga teacher, 2008 - Photography

REN4385820: Portrait of Lionel Coudron, French doctor and yoga teacher, in 2008 - Portrait of Lionel Coudron, doctor and yoga teacher, 2008 - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Lionel Coudron, French doctor and yoga teacher, in 2008 - Portrait of Lionel Coudron, doctor and yoga teacher, 2008 - Photography
Portrait of Lionel Coudron, French doctor and yoga teacher, in 2008 - Portrait of Lionel Coudron, doctor and yoga teacher, 2008 - Photography

REN4385839: Portrait of Lionel Coudron, French doctor and yoga teacher, in 2008 - Portrait of Lionel Coudron, doctor and yoga teacher, 2008 - Photography / Bridgeman Images

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