MPX5146487: Home International and European Championship Qualifying match at Wembley Stadium. England 2 v Scotland 3. England's Alan Ball in action with a Scottish player during the match. Scotland inflicted the first defeat on England since they became World Champions the previous year. 15th April 1967 (photo) (photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5146494: Home International and European Championship Qualifying match at Wembley Stadium. England 2 v Scotland 3. Jimmy Greaves crosses the ball as McKinnon slides in to try and tackle him. Scotland inflicted the first defeat on England since they became World Champions the previous year. 15th April 1967 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5146495: Home International and European Championship Qualifying match at Wembley Stadium. England 2 v Scotland 3. Billy Bremner of Scotland challenged by England's Alan Ball and Bobby Moore. Scotland inflicted the first defeat on England since they became World Champions the previous year. 15th April 1967 (photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5146603: 1966 World Cup Tournament in England. Half back Dias of the Mexico World Cup team carrying his guitar and wearing a grey hat with upturned brim as the team return to London Airport for their flight home after being eliminated from the tournament. 15th July 1966 (photo) / Bridgeman Images