MPX5138265: Charles breaks off from sweeping the streets outside Buckingham Palace and soon has a bird eating granary bread out of his hand. Charles Lyons, gardening maintenance man and sweeper of the royal pavements around Buckingham palace, has built up an extraordinary relationship with the sparrows, starlings, thrushes and pigeons in the area. man feeding a bird June 1976 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
MPX5138286: Suez Crisis 1956 Albert Palmer of Birmingham, a Gunner from a Parachute Artillery Unit, finds time for some fishing during the interational crisis. He keeps his Mk 5 Sten gun by his side whilst fishing in the Sweetwater Canal at El Tina, however, just in case something bigger than this catfish shows up, 1956 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images