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MEP2379972: The Italian minister of Justice Mino Martinazzoli / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2379972
The Italian minister of Justice Mino Martinazzoli
MEP2379982: Ugo Tognazzi leaning against the statue dedicated to Ferdowsi / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2379982
Ugo Tognazzi leaning against the statue dedicated to Ferdowsi
MEP2380001: Ugo Tognazzi performing Molière's Tartuffe / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380001
Ugo Tognazzi performing Molière's Tartuffe
MEP2380002: Ugo Tognazzi and Francesca Benetti on stage / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380002
Ugo Tognazzi and Francesca Benetti on stage
MEP2380022: Ugo Tognazzi dressed up like Benito Mussolini / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380022
Ugo Tognazzi dressed up like Benito Mussolini
MEP2380060: Ugo Tognazzi and his son Ricky in a recording studio / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380060
Ugo Tognazzi and his son Ricky in a recording studio
MEP2380061: Ugo Tognazzi goes for a walk with his son Ricky / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380061
Ugo Tognazzi goes for a walk with his son Ricky
MEP2380089: Ugo Tognazzi resting on an armchair, Rome, Italy, 1961 / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380089
Ugo Tognazzi resting on an armchair, Rome, Italy, 1961
MEP2380120: Paolo Carlini takes the coffee in a bar / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380120
Paolo Carlini takes the coffee in a bar
MEP2380130: Singer-songwriter Maria Carta / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380130
Singer-songwriter Maria Carta
MEP2380149: Paolo Carlini and Nives Zegna holding hands in a TV studio / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380149
Paolo Carlini and Nives Zegna holding hands in a TV studio
MEP2380169: Francesco Carnelutti with a book in hand in his home in Rome / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380169
Francesco Carnelutti with a book in hand in his home in Rome
MEP2380182: Tino Carraro in Julius Caesar / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380182
Tino Carraro in Julius Caesar
MEP2380305: Pietro Campilli is seated at his desk reading a little card / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380305
Pietro Campilli is seated at his desk reading a little card
MEP2380315: Mariolina Cannuli is posing in front of the photographer with turned head / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380315
Mariolina Cannuli is posing in front of the photographer with turned head
MEP2380320: Bruto Brivonesi is chatting while he is getting ready to wear his coat / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380320
Bruto Brivonesi is chatting while he is getting ready to wear his coat
MEP2380329: Marisa Allasio seated on an armchair during an interview / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380329
Marisa Allasio seated on an armchair during an interview
MEP2380334: Pino Calvi, seated at the piano, turns to the photographer with a cigarette between his fingers / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380334
Pino Calvi, seated at the piano, turns to the photographer with a cigarette between his fingers
MEP2380335: Pino Calvi is smiling at the rehearsals for Senza Rete / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380335
Pino Calvi is smiling at the rehearsals for Senza Rete
MEP2380342: Portrait of Corrado Cagli / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380342
Portrait of Corrado Cagli
MEP2380347: Mariolina Cannuli is smiling next to an American aloe / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380347
Mariolina Cannuli is smiling next to an American aloe
MEP2380357: Portrait of Pino Calvi / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380357
Portrait of Pino Calvi
MEP2380378: Severino Gazzelloni is playing his gold flute on the terrace of his flat in Rome / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380378
Severino Gazzelloni is playing his gold flute on the terrace of his flat in Rome
MEP2380379: Carmen Bulgarelli Campori is conducting an orchestra in the theatre of Buenos Aires / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380379
Carmen Bulgarelli Campori is conducting an orchestra in the theatre of Buenos Aires
MEP2380403: A great attention is displayed around the desk of Amintore Fanfani / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380403
A great attention is displayed around the desk of Amintore Fanfani
MEP2380404: Vincenzo Scotti receives congratulations from a delegate / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380404
Vincenzo Scotti receives congratulations from a delegate
MEP2380406: Maria Eletta Martini seated at the Vice-presidente's seat at the XVI Congress of the Christian Democracy / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380406
Maria Eletta Martini seated at the Vice-presidente's seat at the XVI Congress of the Christian Democracy
MEP2380410: Ciriaco De Mita and his son Giuseppe / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380410
Ciriaco De Mita and his son Giuseppe
MEP2380411: Severino Gazzelloni is playing his gold flute in the terrace of his apartment with a wonderful view of Rome / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380411
Severino Gazzelloni is playing his gold flute in the terrace of his apartment with a wonderful view of Rome
MEP2380420: A DC delegate jokes with Ciriaco De Mita / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380420
A DC delegate jokes with Ciriaco De Mita
MEP2380423: The Mayor of Rome Ugo Vetere chats jokingly with two men / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380423
The Mayor of Rome Ugo Vetere chats jokingly with two men
MEP2380426: Some people toasting in a restaurant / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380426
Some people toasting in a restaurant
MEP2380428: Pino Calvi at the piano / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380428
Pino Calvi at the piano
MEP2380435: Pablito Calvo with other children next to two dolls representing Mickey Mouse / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380435
Pablito Calvo with other children next to two dolls representing Mickey Mouse
MEP2380440: Vincenzo Scotti arranges his tie / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380440
Vincenzo Scotti arranges his tie
MEP2380477: Ugo Tognazzi and his son Gianmarco sitting on a little wall / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP2380477
Ugo Tognazzi and his son Gianmarco sitting on a little wall