PIX4661610: Coelacanthe - Coelacanth portrait - A coelacanth swim in the ancient Tethys Ocean, 390 million years ago. A prehistoric, 130 pound Coelacanth swims the Paleo Tethys Sea 390 million years ago during the Middle Devonian period. Related to lungfishes and tetrapods, Coelacanths were thought to have gone extinct 65 million years ago until a living specimen was found off the east coast of South Africa in 1938 / Bridgeman Images
ETE4866478: Debarking in Normandy on June 6, 1944 (D Day) (WWII - Normandy landings (D Day): An American parachutist helps a French woman bring her belongings home after the liberation of the city of Sainte-Mere-Eglise (Sainte Mere Eglise) - Parachutist of Company F of the 505th PIR of the 82nd US Airborne Division - Photograph taken on June 8, 1944 on the D67 / Bridgeman Images
IMB4841971: Sculpture depicting the goddess of Roman mythology Tellus (Tellus Mater or Terra Mater, equivalent of Gaia in Greek mythology) side of the altar Ara Pacis Augustae (the altar of Peace of Augustae) edified by the Roman Emperor Augustus between 13 and 9 BC on the Champ de Mars (Campo de Marte) in Rome to commemorate peace following the wars the Empire against Gaul and Spain. Rome, Museum of the Ara Pacis Augustae / Bridgeman Images
ITR4554069: The Virgin of the 14th century placed at the entrance of the choir of Notre-Dame, known as the Virgin of Saint-Aignan or Our Lady of the Pillar, was originally located in the chapel of Saint-Aignan and replaced the statue of the trumeau of the portal of the Virgin (north facade) after its destruction in 1793. Viollet-le-Duc then installed it at its present location in 1855 at the time of the extensive restoration campaign of Notre-Dame. It was at his feet that Paul Claudel converted to Christmas 1886. Cathedrale Notre Dame de Paris - Paris 4 - XIIIth, XIIIth, XIXth, rehabilitation by Viollet-le-Duc - / Bridgeman Images
PIX4590627: Constellation of Eridan - Constellation of Eridanus - Constellation of Eridan extracted from the Uranographia of Hevelius. Recolorised image. Map showing the constellation of eridanus with its mythological form from “” Uranographia”” star atlas by Hevelius (1690). Recolored Image / Bridgeman Images