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Frida Kahlo Museum Mexico
Frida Kahlo Museum Mexico

CKM3839471: Frida Kahlo Museum Mexico / Bridgeman Images

Harold Pinter - portrait
Harold Pinter - portrait

LEL3890566: Harold Pinter - portrait / Bridgeman Images

Keorapetse Kgositsile (photo)
Keorapetse Kgositsile (photo)

KEI3850673: Keorapetse Kgositsile (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Fingal's Cave, Staffa
Fingal's Cave, Staffa

SLR3829659: Fingal's Cave, Staffa / Bridgeman Images

Taylor Swift
Taylor Swift

YAS3853186: Taylor Swift / Bridgeman Images

The stallion meter from 1796 in Paris at 36 rue de vaugirard.
The stallion meter from 1796 in Paris at 36 rue de vaugirard.

XEE4412802: The stallion meter from 1796 in Paris at 36 rue de vaugirard. / Bridgeman Images

The Czech pianist Rudolf Firkusny (1912 - 1994).
The Czech pianist Rudolf Firkusny (1912 - 1994).

YAC4417817: The Czech pianist Rudolf Firkusny (1912 - 1994). / Bridgeman Images

Mosquee al Azhar/Universitite al Azhar/Cairo/Egypt/UNESCO Classroom Site
Mosquee al Azhar/Universitite al Azhar/Cairo/Egypt/UNESCO Classroom Site

HFE4461181: Mosquee al Azhar/Universitite al Azhar/Cairo/Egypt/UNESCO Classroom Site / Bridgeman Images


HFE4466880: Cheese/Epox / Bridgeman Images

The Concert des Nations is directed by Jordi Savall, Salle Pleyel, Paris. Photography 2009 (12/06/2009)
The Concert des Nations is directed by Jordi Savall, Salle Pleyel, Paris. Photography 2009 (12/06/2009)

TOU4342082: The Concert des Nations is directed by Jordi Savall, Salle Pleyel, Paris. Photography 2009 (12/06/2009) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of economist Jean Joseph Boillot in 2012 - French economist Jean-Joseph Boillot, 2012 - Photography
Portrait of economist Jean Joseph Boillot in 2012 - French economist Jean-Joseph Boillot, 2012 - Photography

REN4388504: Portrait of economist Jean Joseph Boillot in 2012 - French economist Jean-Joseph Boillot, 2012 - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Lecture Master in Philosophy Pierre Henri (Pierre-Henri) Tavoillot, 2015 Photography
Portrait of the Lecture Master in Philosophy Pierre Henri (Pierre-Henri) Tavoillot, 2015 Photography

REN4391335: Portrait of the Lecture Master in Philosophy Pierre Henri (Pierre-Henri) Tavoillot, 2015 Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Sabine Melchior-Bonnet (Melchior Bonnet) - 2017
Portrait of Sabine Melchior-Bonnet (Melchior Bonnet) - 2017

REN4392309: Portrait of Sabine Melchior-Bonnet (Melchior Bonnet) - 2017 / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the French philosopher, journalist and researcher Roger-Pol (Roger Pol) Droit, 2007 - (Portrait of french philosopher and writer Roger Pol Droit, 2007) Photography
Portrait of the French philosopher, journalist and researcher Roger-Pol (Roger Pol) Droit, 2007 - (Portrait of french philosopher and writer Roger Pol Droit, 2007) Photography

REN4384836: Portrait of the French philosopher, journalist and researcher Roger-Pol (Roger Pol) Droit, 2007 - (Portrait of french philosopher and writer Roger Pol Droit, 2007) Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the French paleontologist and paleoanthropologist Yves Coppens (lie a la disouverte du fossile Lucy), 2010 (Portrait of French anthropologist Yves Coppens, one of the co-discoverers of Lucy skeleton, 2010) Photography
Portrait of the French paleontologist and paleoanthropologist Yves Coppens (lie a la disouverte du fossile Lucy), 2010 (Portrait of French anthropologist Yves Coppens, one of the co-discoverers of Lucy skeleton, 2010) Photography

REN4384938: Portrait of the French paleontologist and paleoanthropologist Yves Coppens (lie a la disouverte du fossile Lucy), 2010 (Portrait of French anthropologist Yves Coppens, one of the co-discoverers of Lucy skeleton, 2010) Photography / Bridgeman Images

Domed Central Area of Galeries Lafayette, Paris, France (photo)
Domed Central Area of Galeries Lafayette, Paris, France (photo)

DSP3318560: Domed Central Area of Galeries Lafayette, Paris, France (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Princesses Elizabeth and Princess Margaret with their miniature house (photo)
Princesses Elizabeth and Princess Margaret with their miniature house (photo)

XLF3790292: Princesses Elizabeth and Princess Margaret with their miniature house (photo) / Bridgeman Images

French flags outside a church, Cluny, France
French flags outside a church, Cluny, France

GNG5267414: French flags outside a church, Cluny, France / Bridgeman Images

Abolition des privileges. Abolition of privileges.
Abolition des privileges. Abolition of privileges.

CCI5674911: Abolition des privileges. Abolition of privileges. / Bridgeman Images

Italian journalist Rossana Rossanda in her house, Rome, 1987 (photo)
Italian journalist Rossana Rossanda in her house, Rome, 1987 (photo)

MME4796380: Italian journalist Rossana Rossanda in her house, Rome, 1987 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Comedians Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in Venice in 1999
Comedians Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in Venice in 1999

GRZ4822180: Comedians Nicole Kidman and Tom Cruise in Venice in 1999 / Bridgeman Images

Second World War - Battle of the Bulge (WWII): Soldiers of the 347th RI of the 87th US DI line up for supplies as they advance to the city of La Roche en Ardenne (La Roche-en-Ardenne) (Belgium) January 13, 1945 - Photography
Second World War - Battle of the Bulge (WWII): Soldiers of the 347th RI of the 87th US DI line up for supplies as they advance to the city of La Roche en Ardenne (La Roche-en-Ardenne) (Belgium) January 13, 1945 - Photography

ETE4864956: Second World War - Battle of the Bulge (WWII): Soldiers of the 347th RI of the 87th US DI line up for supplies as they advance to the city of La Roche en Ardenne (La Roche-en-Ardenne) (Belgium) January 13, 1945 - Photography / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of writer David Foster Wallace in June 2006.
Portrait of writer David Foster Wallace in June 2006.

GIE4894568: Portrait of writer David Foster Wallace in June 2006. / Bridgeman Images

Second World War (1939-1945): epuration after Liberation. A woman accused of collaborating with the enemy is taken for interrogation by FFI. They're passing a Sherman M-4 tank of the US Army. Photograph taken in the West of France, August 1944.
Second World War (1939-1945): epuration after Liberation. A woman accused of collaborating with the enemy is taken for interrogation by FFI. They're passing a Sherman M-4 tank of the US Army. Photograph taken in the West of France, August 1944.

ETE4846721: Second World War (1939-1945): epuration after Liberation. A woman accused of collaborating with the enemy is taken for interrogation by FFI. They're passing a Sherman M-4 tank of the US Army. Photograph taken in the West of France, August 1944. / Bridgeman Images

THE PRINCESS PAOLA DI LIEGI (paola of Belgium princess ruffo de calabria or calabria, princess of Liege) WITH HER HUX THE PRINCE ALBERT DI LIEGI (who will become King Albert II of Belgium) (pigeon surround) VENICE - 1962
THE PRINCESS PAOLA DI LIEGI (paola of Belgium princess ruffo de calabria or calabria, princess of Liege) WITH HER HUX THE PRINCE ALBERT DI LIEGI (who will become King Albert II of Belgium) (pigeon surround) VENICE - 1962

GRZ4881139: THE PRINCESS PAOLA DI LIEGI (paola of Belgium princess ruffo de calabria or calabria, princess of Liege) WITH HER HUX THE PRINCE ALBERT DI LIEGI (who will become King Albert II of Belgium) (pigeon surround) VENICE - 1962 / Bridgeman Images

Egypt: bust of Sekhmet, with lion's head. From the temple of Mut in Karnak or the Jubilee temple of Amenophis III. Mediterranean Archeology Museum, Marseille
Egypt: bust of Sekhmet, with lion's head. From the temple of Mut in Karnak or the Jubilee temple of Amenophis III. Mediterranean Archeology Museum, Marseille

JEB4875866: Egypt: bust of Sekhmet, with lion's head. From the temple of Mut in Karnak or the Jubilee temple of Amenophis III. Mediterranean Archeology Museum, Marseille / Bridgeman Images

Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Near Heersbach (Belgium) January 28, 1945: Men from 504 PIR (Parachute Infantery Regiment) of the 82nd US Aeroportee Division advance in thick snow
Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Near Heersbach (Belgium) January 28, 1945: Men from 504 PIR (Parachute Infantery Regiment) of the 82nd US Aeroportee Division advance in thick snow

ETE4915891: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Near Heersbach (Belgium) January 28, 1945: Men from 504 PIR (Parachute Infantery Regiment) of the 82nd US Aeroportee Division advance in thick snow / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of David Grossman 09/09/2017
Portrait of David Grossman 09/09/2017

YAC4927105: Portrait of David Grossman 09/09/2017 / Bridgeman Images

Second (Second) World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Tokyo (Japan) 1947: On the premises of the former Ministry of Japanese War, general view of the International Tribunal trains to try Japanese war criminals (Tojo, Matsui, Yamashita etc...). They are to the right of the picture. The trial will last from May 1946 to November 1948
Second (Second) World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Tokyo (Japan) 1947: On the premises of the former Ministry of Japanese War, general view of the International Tribunal trains to try Japanese war criminals (Tojo, Matsui, Yamashita etc...). They are to the right of the picture. The trial will last from May 1946 to November 1948

ETE4937414: Second (Second) World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Tokyo (Japan) 1947: On the premises of the former Ministry of Japanese War, general view of the International Tribunal trains to try Japanese war criminals (Tojo, Matsui, Yamashita etc...). They are to the right of the picture. The trial will last from May 1946 to November 1948 / Bridgeman Images


GRZ4943497: THE DIRECTOR MARCEL PAGNOL - PARIS - 1948 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of the Russian poet Anna Akhmatova (Achmatova) (1889-1966).
Portrait of the Russian poet Anna Akhmatova (Achmatova) (1889-1966).

GIE4966810: Portrait of the Russian poet Anna Akhmatova (Achmatova) (1889-1966). / Bridgeman Images

Portrait of Nawal Al Saadawi in May 2009.
Portrait of Nawal Al Saadawi in May 2009.

GIE4963096: Portrait of Nawal Al Saadawi in May 2009. / Bridgeman Images

The Drawing Room at Red House, Kent (photo)
The Drawing Room at Red House, Kent (photo)

USB5054042: The Drawing Room at Red House, Kent (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Satellite Jason - 2 - Illustration - Artist's view of the satellite Jason - 2 in orbit around the Earth. This satellite launched on 20 June 2008 is dedicated to the study of the oceans. Artist's concept of the satellite Jason - 2. This satellite dedicated to studying the ocean was launched on June 20 2008
Satellite Jason - 2 - Illustration - Artist's view of the satellite Jason - 2 in orbit around the Earth. This satellite launched on 20 June 2008 is dedicated to the study of the oceans. Artist's concept of the satellite Jason - 2. This satellite dedicated to studying the ocean was launched on June 20 2008

PIX4644487: Satellite Jason - 2 - Illustration - Artist's view of the satellite Jason - 2 in orbit around the Earth. This satellite launched on 20 June 2008 is dedicated to the study of the oceans. Artist's concept of the satellite Jason - 2. This satellite dedicated to studying the ocean was launched on June 20 2008 / Bridgeman Images

American scientist and writer Jared Diamond, Libri Come, Festival of Books and Reading, Rome, 2014 (photo)
American scientist and writer Jared Diamond, Libri Come, Festival of Books and Reading, Rome, 2014 (photo)

MME4716655: American scientist and writer Jared Diamond, Libri Come, Festival of Books and Reading, Rome, 2014 (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Artificial satellite Sputnik 1 - Illustration - Artificial satellite Sputnik 1 - Illustration - Artist's view of the Sputnik satellite 1. This satellite was the first artificial satellite on Earth. Put into orbit on October 4, 1957, it rotated around the Earth in 97 minutes. Its only functionality was the broadcast of a “beep-beep” on radio waves
Artificial satellite Sputnik 1 - Illustration - Artificial satellite Sputnik 1 - Illustration - Artist's view of the Sputnik satellite 1. This satellite was the first artificial satellite on Earth. Put into orbit on October 4, 1957, it rotated around the Earth in 97 minutes. Its only functionality was the broadcast of a “beep-beep” on radio waves

PIX4642528: Artificial satellite Sputnik 1 - Illustration - Artificial satellite Sputnik 1 - Illustration - Artist's view of the Sputnik satellite 1. This satellite was the first artificial satellite on Earth. Put into orbit on October 4, 1957, it rotated around the Earth in 97 minutes. Its only functionality was the broadcast of a “beep-beep” on radio waves / Bridgeman Images

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