Rock relief depicting the Sassanian King Shapur I (241-72) the Roman Emperor Valerian (c.240-260) and Persian generals, 3rd century (stone) / Bridgeman Images
Aprila, le 04/07/1938. Discours de Benito Mussolini lors de la bataille du ble, telle que la bonification de l'Agro Pontino (plaine Pontine, anciennement marais pontins), après avoir effectue les travaux de moisson. / Bridgeman Images
Paris, march 1943 : in the station, people recruited for the STO (compulsory labour organization set up in 1943 during the German occupation of France) are waiting to take the train, march 1943 / Bridgeman Images
V2 rockets on launching pad in 1942, probably in Peenemunde big military zone, in Germany (before its.bombing by the.allies on 17 August 1943) / Bridgeman Images
The 1920s flapper girl, various shots of women dancing, smoking, shopping, putting on make-up, in salon. F Scott Fitzgerald writing. / Bridgeman Images