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MEB858203: Belt buckle, Frankish / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEB858203
Belt buckle, Frankish
SZT717878: Protest against the Vietnam War in Augsburg, 1966 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: SZT717878
Protest against the Vietnam War in Augsburg, 1966 (b/w photo)
ELC847479: Church of Saint Theodore, 496, 5th Century a.C., stone and marble / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847479
Church of Saint Theodore, 496, 5th Century a.C., stone and marble
ELC847480: Necropolis, 10th Century a.C. / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847480
Necropolis, 10th Century a.C.
ELC847491: Great columnade, 2nd Century a.C., about 1100 m, pavement 11 m / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847491
Great columnade, 2nd Century a.C., about 1100 m, pavement 11 m
ELC847493: Roman Theatre, second half of the 2nd Century, stone and marble / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847493
Roman Theatre, second half of the 2nd Century, stone and marble
ELC847501: Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38, 1st Century a.C. / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847501
Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38, 1st Century a.C.
ELC847503: Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38, 1st Century a.C., stone / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847503
Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38, 1st Century a.C., stone
ELC847507: Roman Theater, 100 - 149, 2nd Century, black basalt / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847507
Roman Theater, 100 - 149, 2nd Century, black basalt
ELC847511: Southern thermal baths, 2nd Century a.C., stone, marble and basalt / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847511
Southern thermal baths, 2nd Century a.C., stone, marble and basalt
ELC847515: Temple of Diana, 1st Century, marble and granite / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847515
Temple of Diana, 1st Century, marble and granite
ELC847528: Lower theatre, 1st Century, marble / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847528
Lower theatre, 1st Century, marble
ELC847529: Cnido, 1st Century a.C. / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847529
Cnido, 1st Century a.C.
ELC847531: Aphrodite Sanctuary, 3rd - 4th Century b.C., marble / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847531
Aphrodite Sanctuary, 3rd - 4th Century b.C., marble
ELC847532: Roman Theatre, 2nd Century b.C., stone, 75 m. of diameter / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC847532
Roman Theatre, 2nd Century b.C., stone, 75 m. of diameter
MEP848971: Orsini Palace, by Baldassarre Peruzzi, 1519 - 1583, 16th Century / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEP848971
Orsini Palace, by Baldassarre Peruzzi, 1519 - 1583, 16th Century
MEB848994: The southern front of the Sanctuary by Quintiliolo, 2nd - 1st Century b.C., opus incertum, mortar, stone, travertine / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEB848994
The southern front of the Sanctuary by Quintiliolo, 2nd - 1st Century b.C., opus incertum, mortar, stone, travertine
MEB849008: Macellum, 3rd-2nd Century b.C., rubble stonework. / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEB849008
Macellum, 3rd-2nd Century b.C., rubble stonework.
MEB849014: Bakery of N. Popidius Priscus, 1st Century a.D., lava stone and brick / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEB849014
Bakery of N. Popidius Priscus, 1st Century a.D., lava stone and brick
ELC849028: Area Science Park, 1982, 20th Century / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849028
Area Science Park, 1982, 20th Century
MEB849060: The monastery (Ed Deir), 2nd-1st Century a.D., 45x50 m. / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEB849060
The monastery (Ed Deir), 2nd-1st Century a.D., 45x50 m.
ELC849101: Via Gemina / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849101
Via Gemina
ELC848637: Palazzo Serughi Facade, by Giuseppe Zauli, first part of the 19th Century, etching / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC848637
Palazzo Serughi Facade, by Giuseppe Zauli, first part of the 19th Century, etching
ELC848755: Apotheosis (Apoteosi), by Giuseppe Marchetti, Flaminio Minozzi, second half of the 18th Century, fresco / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC848755
Apotheosis (Apoteosi), by Giuseppe Marchetti, Flaminio Minozzi, second half of the 18th Century, fresco
ELC848761: Gaddi Pepoli Palace, 18th Century / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC848761
Gaddi Pepoli Palace, 18th Century
ELC849165: Municipal Museum of the Sea / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849165
Municipal Museum of the Sea
ELC849180: The Temple of Saturn (Templum Saturni), 5th Century b.C., cement, gray granate and pink travertine / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849180
The Temple of Saturn (Templum Saturni), 5th Century b.C., cement, gray granate and pink travertine
MEB849204: Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani), 298-306 a.D., 3rd-4th Century a.D. / Bridgeman Images
ID: MEB849204
Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani), 298-306 a.D., 3rd-4th Century a.D.
ELC849219: Babuino Fountain (Fontana del Babuino),1581,16th century,marble / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849219
Babuino Fountain (Fontana del Babuino),1581,16th century,marble
ELC849228: Arch of Septimius Severus (Arco di Settimio Severo), 203 a.D., 3rd Century,marble and travertine / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849228
Arch of Septimius Severus (Arco di Settimio Severo), 203 a.D., 3rd Century,marble and travertine
ELC849233: Cardo Maximus, 2nd Century,marble / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849233
Cardo Maximus, 2nd Century,marble
ELC849235: Civic Museum of History and Art, 19th Century / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849235
Civic Museum of History and Art, 19th Century
ELC849274: San Giovanni in Tuba, 5th Century - 1483, 15th Century / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849274
San Giovanni in Tuba, 5th Century - 1483, 15th Century
ELC849313: Kleine Berlin, entrance, Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849313
Kleine Berlin, entrance, Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (photo)
ELC849320: Audace Pier- former San Carlo Pier, 1743 - 1861, 18th - 19th Century, 264 m / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849320
Audace Pier- former San Carlo Pier, 1743 - 1861, 18th - 19th Century, 264 m
ELC849332: Archaeological Park Muggia Vecchia (Castrum Muglae) / Bridgeman Images
ID: ELC849332
Archaeological Park Muggia Vecchia (Castrum Muglae)