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Belt buckle, Frankish
Belt buckle, Frankish

MEB858203: Belt buckle, Frankish / Bridgeman Images

Protest against the Vietnam War in Augsburg, 1966 (b/w photo)
Protest against the Vietnam War in Augsburg, 1966 (b/w photo)

SZT717878: Protest against the Vietnam War in Augsburg, 1966 (b/w photo) / Bridgeman Images

Church of Saint Theodore, 496, 5th Century a.C., stone and marble
Church of Saint Theodore, 496, 5th Century a.C., stone and marble

ELC847479: Church of Saint Theodore, 496, 5th Century a.C., stone and marble / Bridgeman Images

Necropolis, 10th Century a.C.
Necropolis, 10th Century a.C.

ELC847480: Necropolis, 10th Century a.C. / Bridgeman Images

Great columnade, 2nd Century a.C., about 1100 m, pavement 11 m
Great columnade, 2nd Century a.C., about 1100 m, pavement 11 m

ELC847491: Great columnade, 2nd Century a.C., about 1100 m, pavement 11 m / Bridgeman Images

Roman Theatre, second half of the 2nd Century, stone and marble
Roman Theatre, second half of the 2nd Century, stone and marble

ELC847493: Roman Theatre, second half of the 2nd Century, stone and marble / Bridgeman Images

Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38,  1st Century a.C.
Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38,  1st Century a.C.

ELC847501: Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38, 1st Century a.C. / Bridgeman Images

Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38,  1st Century a.C., stone
Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38,  1st Century a.C., stone

ELC847503: Temple of Baal or Bel, 32 - 38, 1st Century a.C., stone / Bridgeman Images

Roman Theater, 100 - 149, 2nd Century, black basalt
Roman Theater, 100 - 149, 2nd Century, black basalt

ELC847507: Roman Theater, 100 - 149, 2nd Century, black basalt / Bridgeman Images

Southern thermal baths, 2nd Century a.C., stone, marble and basalt
Southern thermal baths, 2nd Century a.C., stone, marble and basalt

ELC847511: Southern thermal baths, 2nd Century a.C., stone, marble and basalt / Bridgeman Images

Temple of Diana, 1st Century, marble and granite
Temple of Diana, 1st Century, marble and granite

ELC847515: Temple of Diana, 1st Century, marble and granite / Bridgeman Images

Lower theatre, 1st Century, marble
Lower theatre, 1st Century, marble

ELC847528: Lower theatre, 1st Century, marble / Bridgeman Images

Cnido, 1st Century a.C.
Cnido, 1st Century a.C.

ELC847529: Cnido, 1st Century a.C. / Bridgeman Images

Aphrodite Sanctuary, 3rd - 4th Century b.C., marble
Aphrodite Sanctuary, 3rd - 4th Century b.C., marble

ELC847531: Aphrodite Sanctuary, 3rd - 4th Century b.C., marble / Bridgeman Images

Roman Theatre, 2nd Century b.C., stone, 75 m. of diameter
Roman Theatre, 2nd Century b.C., stone, 75 m. of diameter

ELC847532: Roman Theatre, 2nd Century b.C., stone, 75 m. of diameter / Bridgeman Images

Orsini Palace, by Baldassarre Peruzzi, 1519 - 1583, 16th Century
Orsini Palace, by Baldassarre Peruzzi, 1519 - 1583, 16th Century

MEP848971: Orsini Palace, by Baldassarre Peruzzi, 1519 - 1583, 16th Century / Bridgeman Images

The southern front of the Sanctuary by Quintiliolo, 2nd - 1st Century b.C., opus incertum, mortar, stone, travertine
The southern front of the Sanctuary by Quintiliolo, 2nd - 1st Century b.C., opus incertum, mortar, stone, travertine

MEB848994: The southern front of the Sanctuary by Quintiliolo, 2nd - 1st Century b.C., opus incertum, mortar, stone, travertine / Bridgeman Images

Macellum, 3rd-2nd Century b.C., rubble stonework.
Macellum, 3rd-2nd Century b.C., rubble stonework.

MEB849008: Macellum, 3rd-2nd Century b.C., rubble stonework. / Bridgeman Images

Bakery of N. Popidius Priscus, 1st Century a.D., lava stone and brick
Bakery of N. Popidius Priscus, 1st Century a.D., lava stone and brick

MEB849014: Bakery of N. Popidius Priscus, 1st Century a.D., lava stone and brick / Bridgeman Images

Area Science Park, 1982, 20th Century
Area Science Park, 1982, 20th Century

ELC849028: Area Science Park, 1982, 20th Century / Bridgeman Images

The monastery (Ed Deir), 2nd-1st Century a.D., 45x50 m.
The monastery (Ed Deir), 2nd-1st Century a.D., 45x50 m.

MEB849060: The monastery (Ed Deir), 2nd-1st Century a.D., 45x50 m. / Bridgeman Images

Via Gemina
Via Gemina

ELC849101: Via Gemina / Bridgeman Images

Palazzo Serughi Facade, by Giuseppe Zauli, first part of the 19th Century, etching
Palazzo Serughi Facade, by Giuseppe Zauli, first part of the 19th Century, etching

ELC848637: Palazzo Serughi Facade, by Giuseppe Zauli, first part of the 19th Century, etching / Bridgeman Images

Apotheosis (Apoteosi), by Giuseppe Marchetti, Flaminio Minozzi, second half of the 18th Century, fresco
Apotheosis (Apoteosi), by Giuseppe Marchetti, Flaminio Minozzi, second half of the 18th Century, fresco

ELC848755: Apotheosis (Apoteosi), by Giuseppe Marchetti, Flaminio Minozzi, second half of the 18th Century, fresco / Bridgeman Images

Gaddi Pepoli Palace, 18th Century
Gaddi Pepoli Palace, 18th Century

ELC848761: Gaddi Pepoli Palace, 18th Century / Bridgeman Images

Municipal Museum of the Sea
Municipal Museum of the Sea

ELC849165: Municipal Museum of the Sea / Bridgeman Images

The Temple of Saturn (Templum Saturni), 5th Century b.C., cement, gray granate and pink travertine
The Temple of Saturn (Templum Saturni), 5th Century b.C., cement, gray granate and pink travertine

ELC849180: The Temple of Saturn (Templum Saturni), 5th Century b.C., cement, gray granate and pink travertine / Bridgeman Images

Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani), 298-306 a.D., 3rd-4th Century a.D.
Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani), 298-306 a.D., 3rd-4th Century a.D.

MEB849204: Baths of Diocletian (Thermae Diocletiani), 298-306 a.D., 3rd-4th Century a.D. / Bridgeman Images

Babuino Fountain (Fontana del Babuino),1581,16th century,marble
Babuino Fountain (Fontana del Babuino),1581,16th century,marble

ELC849219: Babuino Fountain (Fontana del Babuino),1581,16th century,marble / Bridgeman Images

Arch of Septimius Severus (Arco di Settimio Severo), 203 a.D., 3rd Century,marble and travertine
Arch of Septimius Severus (Arco di Settimio Severo), 203 a.D., 3rd Century,marble and travertine

ELC849228: Arch of Septimius Severus (Arco di Settimio Severo), 203 a.D., 3rd Century,marble and travertine / Bridgeman Images

Cardo Maximus, 2nd Century,marble
Cardo Maximus, 2nd Century,marble

ELC849233: Cardo Maximus, 2nd Century,marble / Bridgeman Images

Civic Museum of History and Art, 19th Century
Civic Museum of History and Art, 19th Century

ELC849235: Civic Museum of History and Art, 19th Century / Bridgeman Images

San Giovanni in Tuba, 5th Century - 1483, 15th Century
San Giovanni in Tuba, 5th Century - 1483, 15th Century

ELC849274: San Giovanni in Tuba, 5th Century - 1483, 15th Century / Bridgeman Images

Kleine Berlin, entrance, Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (photo)
Kleine Berlin, entrance, Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (photo)

ELC849313: Kleine Berlin, entrance, Trieste, Friuli-Venezia Giulia, Italy (photo) / Bridgeman Images

Audace Pier- former San Carlo Pier, 1743 - 1861, 18th - 19th Century, 264 m
Audace Pier- former San Carlo Pier, 1743 - 1861, 18th - 19th Century, 264 m

ELC849320: Audace Pier- former San Carlo Pier, 1743 - 1861, 18th - 19th Century, 264 m / Bridgeman Images

Archaeological Park Muggia Vecchia (Castrum Muglae)
Archaeological Park Muggia Vecchia (Castrum Muglae)

ELC849332: Archaeological Park Muggia Vecchia (Castrum Muglae) / Bridgeman Images

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