Urns, sphinxes and hermas that decorate the exedra made of hedges in Chiswick garden, by Kent William, 1725 - 1725, 18th Century / Bridgeman Images
Prefecture Palace in Verona (Scaligeri Palace) (Palazzo della Prefettura di Verona (Palazzo degli Scaligeri), 13th Century, marble and bricks / Bridgeman Images
Winarsky Court (Winarsky hof), by Josef Hoffmann, Josef Frank, Oskar Strnad, Oskar Wlach, Franz Schuster, Adolf Loos, Margaret Lihotzky, Dirnhuber Karl e Peter Behrens, 1924 - 1926, 20th Century / Bridgeman Images
Arch of Constantine in Rome (Arco di Costantino a Roma), by Roman Architecture, 315, 4th Century AD, marble and cement brickwork, 25 x 6,50 x 11,45 m / Bridgeman Images