ETE4887502: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2) Great Britain Spring 1944 - On an Air Base of the 9th USAF during the DDAY preparations, from left to right: General Dwight Eisenhower (Supreme Commander of Allied Forces in Europe), General Sir Trafford Leigh-Mallory (Commander of the Air Forces) and General American Lewis H Brereton (9th USAF CG) / Bridgeman Images
IMB4887566: Tibetan Buddhism; portrait of Tibetan pilgrim with a colorful hat; ascend to the Dolma La Pass; pilgrimage route around the sacred Mount Kailash; Gang Rinpoche; Kora; Ngari; Gang-Tite Mountains; Trans-Himalaya; Himalayas; West Tibet; Tibet Autonomous Region; People's Republic China; Asia / Bridgeman Images