ZUM4908136: Jan. 12, 1954 - Introducing the Six foot baby... youngster goes on the Bottle: Some baby - is this female giraffe - born recently at Belie Vue Zoo, Manchester... This picture was taken when she was only a few hours old - is six feet in height and weight 157 lbs... The keeper finds it none to easy to reach her hand - as he gives her a bottle food / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4908394: Jan. 15, 1954 - Munich child victor of the international exhibitions of children's painting in Paris: At the international exhibition of children's painting in Paris” L'enfant et neus” the painting of the eight years old Munich Monila Busch had been elected as the best painting which came from Germany. The price for the little victor had been a great puppet. The little painter told our reporter” nearly so my elephant looked for which i got my price ' / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4908503: Oct 16, 1980; New York, NY, USA; REAGAN DIED JUNE 5, 2004. The 40th U.S. President (1981-89) RONALD WILSON REAGAN (Republican). Nicknamed 'The Great Communicator' and 'Dutch'. Born February 6, 1911, in Tampico, Illinois. Married twice Jane Wyman (Jan 26 1940-48 Divorced) and Nancy Davis (March 4, 1952-Present). Begin his career as a sports announcer on radio, then moved to Hollywood and became a movie star. He made over 50 movies as a reliable supporting actor or benign leading man, but his real calling seemed to be in politics. Governor of California (1966-75) and in 1980 defeated Democrat Jimmy Carter to become president. He advocated lower taxes and higher defense spending, and aggressively challenged the Soviet Union. After 2 full terms, was succeeded by his vice-president, George Bush the elder. Reagan suffers since 1994 from Alzheimer's Disease, a degenerative disorder that affects the brain causing memory loss & dementia and presently lives on his Santa Barbara ranch named Rancho del Cielo..PICTURED: President JIMMY CARTER (Left of Reagan) smiles as he listens to CA gov. RONALD WILSON REAGAN as he takes the podium at an Al Smith Dinner event held at the Waldorf Astoria Hotel.. / Bridgeman Images
ETE4908537: Second World War (1939-1945) - World War II (WWII or WW2): Torgau (Germany) 26-27 April 1945: On the left, General Clarence Huebner (CG of the 5th Corps of the Iere US Army) receives from the head of the Sovietic corps the Flag of Stalingrad, where this unit of the Red Armee fought. / Bridgeman Images