ZUM4832946: Apr. 04, 1953 - New atomic-radiation checking instruments on show at radio components exhibition: Keystone photo shows: Interior of the new atomic radiation instrument, developed by the atomic Energy Research establishment for Civil Dafence at the British Radio components Exhibition at Grosvenor house today. It is completely self contained - weights 9 lbs. and is carried as a shoulder haversack. / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4834303: Apr. 04, 1953 - Picture By Air... Royal Wedding In Luxembourg... In a colourful ceremony today Prince Jean of Luxembourg married Princess Josephine Charlotte of the Belgians in Luxembourg's 13th century cathedral. The cathedral wedding was preceeded by a civil wedding in the ducal palace... / Bridgeman Images
ZUM4834318: Apr. 04, 1953 -” Cooked” Plastics on Show at British Radio Components Exhibition: Picture Shows: Plastics which have been” Cooked” in the atom Pile at Harwell for a few hours seen on show at the British Radio Components Exhibition which opens at Grosvenor House this morning. This exhibit Illustrates the amazing strength achieved buy the atomic” cooking” process. according to the amount of irradiation they become stronger, with stand corrosion and can be boiled in water for house without damage. / Bridgeman Images